6 Times (The Host Club x Reader)

188 7 0

Request = Alyannsgamer10

Anime = Ouran High School Host Club

(A/N: So, this oneshot is going to be a little different... It will have short scenarios for all of the Host Club!Hope you enjoy.)

~Tamaki Suoh~





You yell, trying to get your husband to wake up. "Oh. My. Urgh!" You groaned, massaging your temples. "Tamaki, if you don't wake up now, we're going to be late for work!"

"Just five more minutes..." Tamaki says, rolling over to face away from you. You in turn roll your eyes and groan.

"Tamaki, you said that ten minutes ago. Now get up!" You say, shaking him once again. Tamaki sits up and smiles at you, pulling you into a hug.

"Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep well?" He asks you, breathing in your scent.

"Yes, yes, Prince Charming. I slept fine. Now come on, we need to eat breakfast." You laugh, shoving him out of bed.

"Alright, I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" Tamaki tells you. As he walks out of the room, you smile wistfully to yourself. He could be annoying at times, but you love the idiot.

~Kyoya Ootori~

"Good morning." You say as you walk into the dining room to see Kyoya eating breakfast already.

"Good morning." Kyoya responds, pausing to look at you. You sit down next to him and fill your plate with food. "You have a meeting from 2-4 today, and mine ends at 5, so dinner at 6?" He asks you, ever the manager.

"Sounds good to me." You say, pulling out your daily agenda to double check your schedule for the day. "Actually, we both seem to have a day off today, excluding our meetings, so why don't we spend the day together?"

Kyoya looks shocked, and pulls out his own agenda. "Hmm, you're right as usual, Y/N. Of course I'd like to spend the day with you. Let me just get ready and then we can go out to do something."

You nod and go back to eating your food. To some people, your marriage with Kyoya might seem cold and remotely dull, but you knew the truth. You both love each other, and that's enough.

~Takashi Morinozuka (Mori)~

"I'm fine, how many times do I have to tell you. No, you don't have to come to the hospital." You frantically try to calm Takashi down. There had been an accident at the hospital you worked at, and while you weren't hurt, your husband was still extremely worried.

"Ms. L/N, someone's here to see you." Your secretary informs you. You sigh. Apparently you hadn't been convincing enough for Takashi.

He bursts through the door without a word, always a man of few words. You stand up and take a step forward, hugging him. "See? Not a scratch." You mumble. His breathing becomes steadier, and his heart rate slows down once he realizes that you're perfectly fine. "You don't have to worry so much, Takashi. You know that if anything happened to me you'd be contacted immediately." You tell him softly, getting a tighter hug in response. This was one of the many reasons that you loved Takashi, the fact that no matter what you tell him, he'll always worry.

~Mitskuni Haninozuka (Hunny)~

"Y/N, I baked you a cake!"

"Y/N! Wake up!"

You open your eyes to see Mitskuni tapping your forehead. "Y/N!" He exclaims happily. "You finally woke up! I baked you a cake for breakfast."

You smile at your husband. "You baked it, or did you get a servant to bake it?" You ask while getting out of bed. Mitskuni's face brightens and he steps aside to let you pass.

"I baked it myself! I was practicing that coffee cake recipe that you pointed out to me a few days ago." He tells you, leading you to the dining room. Once arriving, you examine a slightly lopsided cake sitting on a large ceramic plate.

"Well, it's certainly cakey looking." You tell him, picking up a fork. "Let's see how it tastes, shall we?" You pick up a piece of cake and put it in your mouth, not even bothering to cut the cake. You chewed thoughtfully, absorbing the flavor. You were an expert at choosing delicious cakes after over five years of being with your husband, so Mitskuni was expecting a fair judgement. "Well, it's texture is certainly good, but the flavor... Is... Less than... Satisfactory." You say, smiling sadly at him. Mitskuni frowns and picks up a small box.

"Hmm, but I made sure to use sugar this time..." Mitskuni says, inspecting the box. You laugh.

"Mitskuni, sometimes cakes just don't turn out right. Just because you can't bake doesn't mean I don't love you!"

~Hikaru Hitachin~  




Hikaru sighed in annoyance. "I need a model for my new line of clothing!"

"Yeah, but I'm not a model!" You said in response, aggravated with your husband. "Go get someone who's paid to wear your clothes to model them."

"Y/N, I need a model who resembles people out on the street, not people on a runway. Please will you help me?" Hikaru asked yet again, holding up a simple black dress.

Your eyes traced over the dress. "Is that what you want me to wear?"

Hikaru's eyes lit up. "Yes, this is the only thing." He tells you happily, dragging you to the closet. You sigh and grab the dress from him, quickly changing into it so that you could hopefully go back to your own work, which ironically was managing Hikaru's business. He might be a stellar designer, but when it comes to business deals, he's completely useless. However, you do love him despite his odd quirks.

~Kaoru Hitachin~

"It has... personality?" Kaoru says, leading you to the front door of a small restaurant that he had decided to take you to for your anniversary. You turn around to face your loveable husband, a questioning look adorning your face. He chuckled nervously, saying, "It's charming."

"What's charming about reheated pizza?" You ask, inspecting a dish from afar.

Kaoru sighed. "Okay, you're right, this place is awful." You smile up at him, giggling quietly. This was a tradition of yours, trying out new restaurants. It was an odd choice for an anniversary dinner, but you didn't mind. You loved every minute spent with Kaoru.

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