The Not-Awesome Duo's Plan (Human!Prussia x Reader)

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Anime = Hetalia

(A/N: No accents. Mainly because I read the manga, not watch the anime. I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it. Also, I forgot to mention this in the title, but this is a human AU. So I will be using human names.)

~3rd Person POV~

Alfred (America/USA) and Mathias (Denmark) were fed up with their so called "Prussian" friend. They both knew that knew that he was head-over-heels in love with Y/N, in fact everyone did. Sadly, everyone except Y/N herself. It was sad. And they had enough of listening to Gilbert (Prussia) complaining to them. In fact, he ONLY ever complained to them because if he talked to his other friends, the BTT, Toni (Antonio aka. Spain) would most likely kill him for falling in love with his sister. So, the (not) awesome duo came up with a plan to get them together.

-2 Days Later-

-With Gilbert-

Gilbert was lounging on his couch, wondering if he should invite Y/N over to play some video games with him, when suddenly his phone rang. He looked at the calling screen and mentally groaned. Alfred again. 'Can't he leave me alone for ONE day? ' He reluctantly picked up the phone and answered it. "What do you want?" He pulled the receiver away from his ear in preparation for the loudness that is inevitable to come. Sure enough, a few moments after he picked up the phone Alfred's (obnoxiously loud) voice came booming out. "Hey dude! Mathias and I want to go to the amusement park." Gilbert rolled his eyes. "And what does that have to do with me?" This may be out of character for Gilbert, but he truly didn't care whether his friends wanted to fly to the moon. Because he was planning something today, and nothing, (not even his hamburger and beer obsessed friends) was going to stop him. Today was the day he was going to confess to Y/N. In fact, he was so focused on this goal that he completely ignored what Alfred was saying, fully confident that the moment he refused whatever Alfred was asking him to do, he was going to call Y/N and invite her over. "So, we already called Y/N, and-" Gilbert cut him off. "You called Y/N!? Why?" He could imagine Alfred rolling his eyes. "Were you even paying attention? Mathias and I decided that going to a amusement park with the four of us would be a good idea. Sooo, we called Y/N to ask if she wanted to come with us. And now we're calling you." Gilbert was shocked at his answer. 'They called Y/N... before me? But they know how I feel about her...' He let Alfred blabber a bit longer before asking, "What did she say?" Alfred stopped short. "What? Oh, you mean Y/N? She said that she'd love to come! In fact, we're going to pick her up right now." Gilbert froze. He recalled telling his American and Danish friends about his feelings often, so why didn't they tell him about this sooner? "Pick me up on the way." It was Alfred's turn to freeze. "What?" He asked, clearly confused. "Pick me up on the way." Gilbert repeated. "Any direction you take, you pass by my house first, so pick me up on the way." Alfred laughed. "Oh, ok. I was confused for a moment. We'll be there in a few minutes. Se ya soon!"

-With the Awesome Trio-

Gilbert leapt out of the car, determined to be the one to pick you up. While he was fulfilling his wishes, Alfred and Mathias turned to each other and snickered. "This is working perfectly!" Alfred exclaimed, earning a disapproving glance from Mathias. "Shh! It won't work if he hears us." Alfred nodded enthusiastically. They then quickly rearranged their seating, forcing Y/N to sit next to Alfred, while Mathias sat in the shotgun seat. Once Gilbert returned, he opened the door to find him being assigned to be driver. He looked at his friends with a confused expression and they smiled back innocently. He frowned, and was about to say something about their odd antics, but instead Y/N spoke up. "Oh, thank goodness. I was worried that one of these idiots was going to drive." She beamed up at Gilbert and released his hand. "I was about to refuse to get in the car. I value my life more than that." She laughed and slid into the car. Gilbert closed the door and sat down in front of the wheel, moving the car forward.

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