A Christmas Carol (Miyuki x Reader)

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Anime = Red Data Girl

(A/N:This was inspired by the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, which obviously doesn't belong to me. Just apologizing in advance if Miyuki seems OOC... I haven't watched RDG in a while.)

WARNING: May contain some feels

~Miyuki's POV~

I wake from my dreams with the a start, knocking Izumiko over as I bolted out of bed, panting. "Ah! Suzuhara, why were you trying to wake me up?" Izumiko looked up at me and whimpered. "Miyuki, I was just trying to tell you that it's Christmas Eve today!" I sighed, glancing at my calendar. "And?" Izumiko looks shocked. "B-b-but, that means tomorrow is Christmas! And I still haven't gotten you a present, so I wanted to ask what you'd like." She stammered. I lay back down on my pillows, clenching my fists. "You know what I want." I reply to her unspoken question. Now it's Izumiko's turn to sigh. "Something besides  your missing girlfriend." I resist the urge to pout, knowing it was childish. "Why exactly are you even here? And wait a second... IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!" I start, my question turning into a shout, as I realize that the girl that I am supposed to protect showed up at my house in the middle of the night. Izumiko giggles nervously. "W-well, you see... The triplets said something about a three spirits that came to haunt people on Christmas Eve, and that you can hire them to help someone and I kind of... Sort of... Hired them to haunt you?" She says, obviously not sure how to word her feelings. I nearly slap her. "You hired three spirits to haunt me!" I yell at her, not worried for the moment about her emotions. What kind of person hires spirits to haunt their friends? (A/N: I know right...) She flinches, holding her hands up in a weak defense. "I just thought you need some help! You're always sulking around and thinking about Y/N! And these spirits are supposed to help the human race." She said, not convincing me of her plan. "Suzuhara, it's only natural for me to be worried about Y/N. What kind of sadistic boyfriend wouldn't be worried if their girlfriend disappeared for three months without a word?" Izumiko's bottom lip trembles and she starts to cry. (A/N: By the way, sorry if I portray Izumiko as a weakling... I just find her REALLY  annoying) I sigh and ask her to leave before laying back down on the bed. As I slip off into the world of dreams, I hear Y/N's laugh taunting me and I curl up tighter. 'Y/N...'  

-The Ghost of Christmas Past-

~Miyuki's POV~

I wake up for the second time that night to see Mayura standing in front of my bed in a golden robe. "Mayura? What are you doing here?" She doesn't respond or show reaction. When I sigh and close my eyes to go back to sleep, she then grabs my hand and tugs me up with inhumane strength. "Oh, I get it know. You're one of the spirits that Izumiko hired and you're using Mayura as a vessel." Again, the spirit refused to answer and  instead responded with a command to grab her hand. I hesitantly do and soon I get the sensation of flying.  As I open my eyes, I look around to see the flashing lights of Tokyo beneath me. Mayura looked over at me and again softly commanded me to close my eyes. I of course obey the spirits wishes and close them.

(A/N: OK, this is important! Whenever the writing is in italics that means that's the past. Whenever the writing is normal that's what Miyuki is thinking/doing with the Ghost of Christmas Past. OK, back to the story, I promise I'll stop breaking the 4th wall)

Miyuki and Y/N walk up to the door of Izumiko's house and Y/N reaches up to knock on the door only to be stopped by Miyuki. She looks at him and laughs. "Oh Miyuki! Don't worry we're not here to party. We're just here to drop off a present. And then we'll go home."  Miyuki nods and releases her hand, letting her knock on the door. I wince, knowing what will happen next, wishing that I had fought with her, convinced her to just go home. As I watch I can't help but yell at my past self for allowing Y/N to knock on the door, for not putting up a fight when Manatsu opened the door and pulled her in without even asking if she wanted to come in. I yell at my past self for allowing my Y/N get dragged into playing the game that started this all. Mayura looks at me expectantly and shakes her head. Her voice is gentle when she informs me of how useless my shouting is, how it's just making my throat raw. I don't pay attention to her this time and soon drive myself into sobs. Mayura looks at me again, this time sadness coating her stoic expression. I'm crying her name over and over again, trembling with the effort I'm putting in to cover up my broken emotions. "Why-why was I so stupid?" I ask no one in particular and strain not to punch my past self, knowing that it won't even affect him. I slowly sob myself to sleep, feeling Mayura's hand rest on my shoulder. (A/N: ok, now the italics are again thoughts!)

-Normal Life -       

I wake with a start, jumping out of bed. I breath heavily, tears forming at the edge of my eyes. 'It was my fault... Y/N...' I feel something tug my shoulder. "Miyuki? Why are you crying?" I hear a familiar voice and look down on the bed to see Y/N looking up at me with a worried look. I look at her, surprised. 'It was just... a dream? ' I smile at her and lay back down. "It was just a dream Y/N. Just a dream."

Well. That was sad-ish. If you want to read something happy, please go read my boyfriend scenarios! And, I promise to write something happy for New Years! 

Merry Christmas,


The Many Ways to Show LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora