Worry (Meliodas x Athazagoraphobic!Reader)

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Request From = LLSIF

Anime = Seven Deadly Sins 

(A/N: So, if anyone reads my SDS Meliodas x Reader, you'll know what athazagoraphobia is, but in case you don't, here it is: The fear of being forgotten/ignored. If you read TES (My Meliodas X Reader) then this could be read as an after thought of what happens in the book, but you can also read this as a stand alone one shot, as the only thing that is the same as TES is the fact that the reader suffers from athazagoraphobia. There is no plot hints towards what will happen in TES. Also, this is a songfic, and the song is Worry by The Vamps. [Wow, I really like the Vamps ;P] The lyrics will be kind of weird, but if they're italicized  then they're from Y/N's POV and if they're underlined then they're from Meliodas' POV. That's all, and enjoy!)  

I'm sorry for the way I behaved

And I'm sorry that I let you down ok

Meliodas paced uneasily around his inn room, still unhappy that he had to leave Y/N without any notice. He resisted kicking the wall (which most likely would've knocked down the poorly built inn) and instead resorted to cursing under his breath, which caused his partner, Gowther, to glance up his Captain. Meliodas smiled sheepishly at his comrade and shrugged his shoulders in an apologetic tone. 'Y/N, I swear I didn't abandon you... I still love you...

I probably should've let you, oh no

But I worry you didn't like me anymore

Y/N was a mess. She knew that she was being completely irrational, because she had heard the situation from Meliodas (in note form), Elizabeth, the king, and Ban, but her heart still contracted at the thought of Meliodas leaving her. Soon, she was hyperventilating and curled up in a ball on her bed, drained of all energy but at the same time her heart was beating so very quickly. This happened much too often, and Y/N knew that, but she couldn't help it.

I worry 'bout you not getting sleep

Cause you can't if the light creeps on it

So I shut the curtain

Who shuts the curtain now I'm gone?

And I worry 'bout your body getting cold

Cause I can't wrap around and keep you warm

"Meliodas, you need to focus!" The king's sharp voice cut through Meliodas' thoughts like a knife. "I'm sorry, but... Do we have to do this today?" Meliodas asked, his restless fingers twitching. "Or, at a different time?" The king sighed and looked as if he was about to lose his patience. "Meliodas, I already told you, we can't postpone this any longer. We have to find a suitable husband for Elizabeth since you declined my request to marry her." Meliodas groaned in response. "And I already told you, this has nothing to do with me. I'm in love with Y/N. How can I help Elizabeth find a husband?"

God knows I'm hurting

But God knows you're worth it

"Yeah, it's pretty hard, but I can't... It's not his fault. I love him." Y/N explained to Merlin, who didn't understand why Y/N still stayed with Meliodas even though it sparked up multiple panic attacks due to her athazagoraphobia. Merlin rolled her eyes. "In my opinion, no one's worth nearly dying over." Y/N smiled up at her tall friend. "Oh, but Merlin, you've never been in love. When you're in love with someone, it doesn't matter if they're the cruelest person in the universe. You'll love them." 

Wake up, I've been tryna save us

I'm not gonna give up, but you don't seem to worry at all

So wake up, I've been tryna save us

I'm not gonna give up, but you don't seem to worry at, worry at all

"Y/N! I'm back!" Meliodas called out to his lover, expecting her to bound down the stairs to greet him. "I-In here," Y/N called out in a wavering voice. "I'm on the bed." She finished just before her voice gave out into a bare whisper. Meliodas dropped his supplies and quickly walked to their bed. What he saw made him go pale. Instead of seeing a energetic young girl, he saw a frail and weak shadow of his Y/N. He ran to her bed and hugged her tightly, kissing her wet cheek. She smiled at him, saying, "I'm sorry, but I can't-" Meliodas cut her off. "Shh. It's not your fault that you're afraid of something that will never happen." He half assured her, half comforted her.   

I'm sorry that I pushed you away

And I'm sorry, I couldn't give you everything

He always felt so guilty for having to leave her, even though she assured him that anytime he had to go somewhere, it was an irrational fear making her panic, not anything he did. Then she'd smile and send him off, heading in the direction of the small shop she worked at. Meliodas would sigh and walk slowly away, wishing that he do something more.  

And I need you just to try to understand

I let you take from me it all, it's just I feel like half a man

She tried to explain it once, the feeling of having an weight where your heart is that's so heavy that you couldn't dream of lifting it, and the reason why it's there is because you're worried that the person you love most will forget about you, which makes you sick because you feel awful for doubting that person, but no one understood. However, Y/N did love Meliodas, so she gave him her heart, despite the pain that came with it.

They fought through everything that was thrown at them, every panic attack, every night of sorrows, and every near death experience. In the end, Y/N and Meliodas were known to all of Liones as the most powerful couple in Liones, as well as the strongest. They had the happiest ending ever known to a pair of Sins.

I hope you enjoyed that, LLSIF!    

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