Chapter 24

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  *Miranda's P.O.V*

What the hell just happened!?! I got to my feet and ran over to where Bradley was on the floor surrou ded by on lookers. I shoved Cameron to he side, not really giving a shit, and took a good look at Brad.

    He was on the brink of passing out with a broken nose, busted lips and I'm pretty sure he's gonna have trouble getting kids in the future.

    "Hey Brad, you ok? What a stupid question. I mean uh- I don't know how to console people. I'm sorry" I said very weirdly and he looked at me with a small smile and a dazed look in his eye.

    "Everybody clear the way. Mr. Henry I need you to help me take this boy to the nurse" said Mr. Powell to Drake. Drake helped Brad to his feet. He smiled at me before leaving the cafeteria and going to the nurse.

     "Get back to your businesses " shouted Mr. Powell and he too left the room after. Everybody went back to their tables but the chattering of what just happened did not cease.

    "Why would Ashton do that?" I wondered out loud. "He's a terrible person. It's not far from his nature" said Crystal nonchalantly as she bit into her sandwich. "I'll have to ask him about that later" I said to my self but Crystal seemed to have hear as she choked on her sandwich.

     "What do you mean you'll ask him later?" she asked once her coughing fit was over. I looked at Sarah and then back to Crystal. "Um, I'm kind of temporarily living with Ashton" I told her. "Explain!" she demanded after a very exaggerated gasp.

      "Well, I'm babysitting his baby sister while his mom's out of town. For he next 3 weeks" I informed her.

    "How did I not know about this?" she asked with a pout. "I don't know why I didn't tell you. I'm sorry" I apologized and looked down.

     There was a vibration in my pocket and I jumped about a foot high out of the seat because of fright. "What's wrong?" asked Sarah looking like she too was in shock. Probably caused by my actions.

    I let out a sigh when I realized it was my cellphone. "I still haven't gotten used to this thing yet" I chuckled as I waved the phone around.

    They both laughed at me and told me how weird I was. I checked my phone and saw a message from an unknown number.

   Unknown:- You know what would make me feel better?

  Who is that?

  Me:- I'm sorry. Who is this?

I awaited a reply as I ate some of my food. The phone vibrated after a couple minutes and I checked it to see a message from the same unknown person.

    Unknown:- It's Bradley. Otherwise known as your dream come true.

I laughed at this and the girls looked at me with cocked eyebrows. I quickly stored the number and replied.

   Me:- Oh hey Bradley. How's your nose and lip and all the other stuff?

I sent the message. I knew a simple how are you doing could have sufficed but me being me, I just had to be weird.

    Bradley:- I'm fine now. Nurse gave me some pain killers and checked out my nose.

  Me:- Oh. What was that about by the way?

I had to ask. Curiosity got the best of me.

   Bradley:- Ashton didn't want me to talk to you. He said you were bad for our reputation.

  He what! I could care less about his stupid reputation. I didn't care about Ashton. We weren't even friends. He should not interfere or have any business with Bradley and I. He should mind his own business.

   This got me angry. Was I that bad to his precious little reputation that he had to almost kill someone? I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind when I get home.

     I didn't reply to Bradley because my attitude was now sour. The girls looked at me with a confused look and I didn't make it any clearer for them I just excused myself.

   I wasn't a goody two shoes but I had a good reputation at school. I seem to be skipping school a lot lately, I don't want to ruin my record but I just need to get some air and that's how I ended up in a bus on my way home.


   The house was empty when I got home. It was just the same as I left it this morning and Ashton's car wasn't in the garage either. I went upstairs and took a long, much needed shower with hot water.

    I let the water cascade down my body as I stood there just thinking. My family doesn't even want me at home and here I am not wanted either. I'm only doing this for the sake of Lilly and Samantha or I would happily be out of Ashton's way.

    What a horrible birthday.

  I got out the shower, got dressed in some cotton shorts and a large white cotton shirt and ordered a pizza. I turned my phone off and made my decision that I would spend he rest of my day by myself.

   I know this wasn't any of the girls' faults but my mood was just spoilt and I needed to be by myself. I hope they understand, even though I didn't explain anything to them.

   After my pizza arrived, I ate a couple slices and watch some tv until I drifted off to sleep on the couch.


*Ashton's P.O.V*

I drove up into the garage the same time that Lilly came home with her friend Milly and her mom. They brought her to school in the days. They were best friends, Milly and Lilly.

   I laugh as I thought of how similar their names were. Although their right names were Lillian and Millicent. "Hey there Mrs. Parker " I said as I walked up to her car.

    "Hi there Ashton. The girls are dying to have a sleep over, is your mom here?" she asked me as I saw both girls still strapped in to the back seat. "No she's not, but that's ok. I'm sure mom would have allowed it" I told her with a polite smile.

     "Great!  Hear that girls? Ashton says she can stay with us for the weekend" she said to the girls and they both bounced with happiness.

     "She still has clothes left over my house from her last stay, so I'll just get going. Here's her book bag" said Mrs. Parker as she handed me Lilly's school stuff and drove away.

    I turned to go into the house and was greeted with the sound of the tv.

    I went into the living room and saw a sleeping Miranda curled up in a blanket with an open box of pizza on the table across from her. I smiled at how peaceful she looked. She was a really beautiful girl.

    I turned off the television and brought the pizza into the kitchen. After I out away Lilly's stuff I went over to the couch and lifted Miranda bridal style. I took slow steady steps, so as to not wake her up and brought her to her room.

    Outside was getting a bit dark and so I closed her curtains and tucked her into bed. I looked at her sleeping figure one last time before I crossed the hall and went to my own room.

    I took off my clothes and took a much needed shower because I was so sweaty and tense from the fight club. After that I ate a couple slices of her pizza, I doubt she would mind and then I too went to my room and soon after fell asleep.


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~A 🌸

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