Chapter 7

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    "Miranda!" "Miranda!"

Ughh!!  "Yes!" I shout back to that wicked lady I call stepmother. "Get down here this instant" she shouted.

   I rolled out of bed and quickly washed my face in the bathroom before running downstairs. What could be up her ass this early?

   "Miranda Josephine Burke, where were you yesterday?" she asked with her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes at her. "Don't you roll your eyes at me young lady. Now answer my question" she barked.

   "Hospital" I said under my breath. "Speak up!" she hollered. Oh my gosh, I think my ears are gonna bleed. "Hospital!" I shouted on purpose. "No need to shout you idiot" she said while covering her ears.

    "Now why were you at that horrid place?" she asked. As I was about to answer she cut me off and said "Well anyway, you were to clean my room and you didn't, so you're grounded for the weekend". I knew she didn't care so I didn't know why I bothered to attempt an answer and as for the grounding, it was the norm. I didn't have anything to do anyways.

   "Is that all?" I asked, wanting to get away from her as quick as possible. "Yep" she said while popping the p.

    I checked the clock on the wall and saw that it was now 7:30. I hurriedly went into the kitchen and made some pancakes for myself and the twins before I went up to my room and got ready for school.

    I let my hair down and covered it with a purple beanie then put on my black jeans with a white blouse that had purple writing across the front. It said 'Penny for your thoughts'. I then put on my black and white vans and ran downstairs to wait for Sarah.

   After a 15 minute wait, she finally pulled up. "Hey you" I said with a smile. She smiled back at me and waved me over. I got up off the curb and entered the van.

    "You feeling any better?" Sarah asked. "Yeah, I was just exhausted yesterday, that's all" I reassured her. "Great, you look cute my the way" she said as she pulled away and started down the road. "You too, I like your hair" I complimented her.

    Her hair was bubble gum pink, and she had on a pink peplum blouse with black skinny jeans and black strappy sandals.

    When we arrived at school I got out of the truck and went to get my stuff from my locker for my first class. I had Art by myself this morning. Sarah doesn't do Art.

    As the bell rang the hallway began to get empty so I made my way to class.

   When I entered my eyes gravitated to a certain someone. Ask me why and I wouldn't even know the reason but somehow I was staring at Ashton.

    He sat at the back of the class and I decided to take a seat close to him. I don't know what's up with my senses today, but they were out of whack.

    Mrs. Chester came in and addressed the class. After we settled down, she told us that we were to paint a piece that made us happy and made us smile whenever we looked at it.

    I decided to paint a picture of my father and I. I was a fairly good artiste, but I don't like to self praise. After 30 minutes I decided to take a rest. I started looking around, trying to peek on others' works.

   The girl next to me was drawing some stick figures. Pssh amateur! Not to be cocky, but she could have done way better. I tried to see others but they were set in difficult angles.

   Ashton's brows were knitted in concentration. Seems interesting. I tried to move over to get a better look but he straightened his posture and glared at me.

   "What are you doing?" he asked. "Umm, trying to get some fresh air" I lied, very poorly at that. "Oh really, the window is on your other side" he pointed out, making me feel stupid. "I knew that" I said while moving away from him.

   A thought came to my mind. "Um, Grey. Thanks?" I said, more like questioned. "For?" he said, while looking at me like I was going crazy. "For the EpiPen on Saturday" I told him while rubbing my nape.

   "Oh that, your welcome I guess" he said then started to paint again. "I thought you hated me" I said once more, bringing him back from his concentration. "Woah woah woah, hold up. Don't get carried away now. I do hate you, but doesn't mean I would let you die if I could stop it" he told me. "Oh, well thanks anyway" I told him.

   "Can you stop talking to me now" he barked. "Well that was rude" I said with attitude while rolling my eyes and turning back to my work station. And to think that I could actually have a decent conversation with Ashton. Well I thought wrong.


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