Chapter 8

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  The last bell of the day rang, making everybody shout with joy. I quickly went to my locker and saw Sarah waiting there. "Hey you" she said while texting on her cellphone. "What's up" I said while putting away my stuff into my bag.

    "Ready?" she asked after she put her phone away. "Yep" I said while we jogged towards the girl's locker room.

    "Hey Coach" I greeted as I entered and saw her getting the balls from the supply closet. "Hey Miranda, you feeling better?" she asked with concern filled eyes. "Feeling better?" I questioned confused, because I had no idea what she was talking about.

   "Yeah, after your little episode on Saturday" she said after she successfully retrieved the balls. "Oh that, yeah I'm good. Thanks for asking" I said with a polite smile. "No problem dear. Now you and the girls get ready and meet me out on the field in 15 minutes" said Coach Hart as she exited the locker room.

    All the girls arrived in about 6 minutes and after we were all dressed in our blue and yellow uniforms we ran out on the field.

    Coach Hart blew the whistle and we all huddled around her. "Good evening girls. For today we are gonna be working on your passes but first I need you all to do 1 lap around the entire field. Now go" she instructed us  and we ran off.

    Sarah and I ran side by side in silence. We had to run around the football field, the soccer field and the baseball field along with the small area that the cheerleaders practiced.

    As we ran past the cheerleaders I saw the captain glaring at me. We don't necessarily have the best past together. In kindergarten she pushed me to the floor and took my seat then began colouring in my colouring book. We haven't been friends since.

     She had straight black hair that fell below her shoulders. Her caramel skin was flawless and her hazel eyes shone with hatred. I rolled my eyes at her as we made it pass them.

    Next up was the football field. The team was filled with a bunch of stupid airheads. Their captain was the biggest of the idiots, so they didn't have a choice. A bunch of whistles were heard as we ran pass them and all we did was ignore them, because they were just a bunch of bozos.

    Last we were passing the baseball field. A handful of students were over there. Including Ashton and Drake. They would easily be perceived as football guys but no, they played baseball.

    After all that was done, we finally arrived at the soccer field then stopped. Everybody except I was breathing heavily. I had great breath control and was proud of it.

    Sarah and I along with another random girl from the team formed a group and grabbed a ball then began working.

   After 25 minutes of passing the ball around, I was hit in the head with a powerful force. I fell to the ground and instantly clutched my head. Everybody gathered around to see if I was ok.

    "Let me through, clear the way" said Coach Hart as she made her way towards me. She tilted my head up so she could view the spot where I got hit. "There's a bump forming. You might have a concussion. Sarah please take her to the nurse, while I found out who was the cause of this" she told Sarah.

   Sarah helped me up and we both made our way to the nurse. Nobody was inside so we sat down and waited. "How are you feeling?" asked Sarah. "Sleepy" I said while dozing off.

    "No Miranda, you may have a concussion. You've got to stay awake" she said to me and I tried to make myself more perky.

  The nurse exited what appeared to be a bathroom. "Hello ladies, sorry to keep you waiting. What's the problem here" she said with kind eyes.

    Her name was Gabrielle Stewart. She had black hair that was in a bob cut, amber eyes and a frail posture. Her eyes had a caring aura and they were filled with love.

    "My friend here was hit in the head with a baseball " said Sarah to the nurse. I didn't even know what had hit me until she spoke. "Oh, I see" said the nurse.

   "Come over here darling so I can take a look at it" she gestured for me to come sit on the bed, so I did. After she gave me a few pain killers and told me not to go to sleep for a while there was a knock on the door.

   "Come in" said Nurse Stewart. The door opened to reveal the black haired blue eyed spawn of the devil. "What are you doing here" I smeared. He rolled his eyes at me and directed his attention to the nurse.

    "I was told to come to the nurse's station by Coach Hart. I hit a ball and it must of hit one of her girls" he explained to the nurse, then realization seemed to dawn on him as his eyes opened up when he looked at me. "You" we both said at the same time, while pointing at each other.

     We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, well more like gave each other death glares. "So aren't you gonna apologize?" I asked. "For?" he questioned. "Hitting me with your baseball" I wanted to shout, but gritted my teeth instead, trying to keep in my anger. "Sorry, not sorry" he said.

     "Now now guys, calm down. Miranda, I wrote you a note that excuses you from practice for the rest of the day. You may leave" said the nurse while handing me the note.

     As I exited the room he bumped into me harshly and didn't even look back. "I hate you Ashton" I shouted at his back. "Feeling's mutual" he said while waving behind him, still not looking at me. The smirk could be heard in his voice. I hate that boy so much.


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