Chapter 15

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Ashton was standing behind me. I was totally in shock. We stood and stared at each other awkwardly. The timer went ding and Lilly shouted "Cookies!" as she was completely oblivious to our current predicament.

"Ashton, you're her brother?" I asked in disbelief. Wasn't I in that weirdo's house from the park. That would explain the simplicity of his room.

"Yep" was all he said. He took up a duffel bag from the floor that he apparently had when he entered. He walked by me without a word and went to his room.

I sat down and tried to find a solution to why I would end up here, after the guy from yesterday clearly must have had his way with me.

I feel nasty, and dirty. I feel like I wanna cry and just like that the waterworks started.

"Hey Mira, why are you crying?" asked Lily as she tried to comfort me. I flinched away from her touch, not wanting to be touched at the moment.

She looked hurt and she ran off, but I didn't care where she went, I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

I'm not one who would usually wallow in self pity but the thought of what might have been is very haunting.

"Aaaah!" there was a scream from the kitchen. It was Lilly, followed by loud sobs. I quickly dried my eyes and ran to go see what the problem was.

She sat on the floor cradling her hand, with cookies scattered in the floor. "Lilly, what did you do?" I questioned.

"Well you were sad, so I wanted to bring you cookies" she said while sobbing heavily. Oh my! The baking sheet burnt her hand. This was all my fault.

I lifted her on to the counter and ran her hand under some cold water from the tap.

Her palm was bright red and very soft. I went to the refrigerator and retrieved an ice pack and gave it to her to hold as I cleaned the floor. Afterwards I cradled her in my lap on the couch as we watched the rest of the cartoon.

Some minutes later Ashton came down wearing a grey cotton sweat pants and a black t-shirt. His hair was slightly damp meaning he just had a shower.

He noticed the ice pack and asked what happened. "You ok Lilly?" he asked. "Yes, Miranda took care of my hand, but I didn't get my cookie" she said with a pout.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?" he asked and she jumped in joy then turned to her brother and asked "Can Mira come too?" He looked at me and I nodded. "Sure thing Lilly Pad" he said and ruffled her hair.

She laughed and ran off then later came back with a black sweater and she had on some black flats that went along with her little pink dress.

He grabbed some keys and we all went outside as he closes the door. He led us to a black McLaren P1, parked in the driveway. We all climbed in and were off towards the ice cream parlor.


"What can I get you guys" asked the cheerful cashier at 'Candy and Scoops' whose name tag read Tasha.

"Butterscotch and sprinkles!" shouted Lilly. "Two scoops for her" confirmed Ashton, "and I'll have a chocolate fudge" he said to her. He looked at me and I turned to the cashier and ordered "Two scoops of coffee ice cream on a waffle cone please with marshmallow fluff".

"Coming right up" Tasha said. Lilly and I went to take a seat by the window. After a while Ashton came to us with our ice creams accompanied by Tasha.

"Thank you" I said to Ashton and he nodded in response. "Miranda are you Pookie Bear's girlfriend?" she asked while licking her ice cream. My eyes opened wide in shock and Ashton sat staring at me.

"Um, no Lilly. Ashton and I are just..... Friends?" I said unsurely. I was only here because of Lilly and also because I wanted to find out about how I happened to be in Ashton's house earlier. I wouldn't consider Ashton my friend. A sworn enemy seems to fit the description, but she didn't need to know that.

"Well I like you. You're good for him. Can you be my friend too?" she asked. I answers her by saying yes, ignoring her earlier confession.

I ate my ice cream in silence as I occasionally caught Ashton staring at me with a hard glare but I paid no attention to it.

"I'm sleepy" said Lilly as she rubbed her eyes. "Time for me to go" I said as Ashton said "Come here Lilly" but Lilly declined. Saying "I want Miranda to carry me" with puppy eyes.

"Miranda has to go home Lilly Pad" he said with a pout. Cute. What did I just think!!

"Please??? " whined Lilly. "It's no problem, come here" I said as I lifted her and cradled her in my arm.

We made our way back into the car and by the time we were settled in, Lilly was fast asleep in my lap.


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