Chapter 17

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"Hey get your ass up. We need to get to school, but you guys are gonna let us be late" yelled someone as I fell to the floor. The hard floor met my stomach with a loud slapping sound.

I groaned out in pain as Sarah gasped and said Oh My Gosh. I lay still for about a minute, trying to see if the pain would go away.

I slowly sat up and saw Crystal looking at me with a small guilty smile. "Sorry" she said. "Run" I said through gritted teeth and her eyes opened in shock as she ran into my bathroom and closed the door.

I got to my feet and saw Sarah trying to hold in her laughter but she failed miserably. "Well, that was epic" she said while laughing hardly.

"Miranda, I'm sorry" I heard Crystal say but it was a bit muffled due to the closed door. "Apology not accepted" I shouted and went to examine my stomach.

There was a bright red colour, very obvious on my stomach. I groaned once again and went to knock the door. "Miranda? " she questioned and I said "Crystal I need to get ready for school".

"Are you gonna kill me? " she asked and the fear was really clear in her voice, it was kinda funny. "No crystal, as tempting as it is, I will not kill you. But you do in fact owe me" I told her.

The bathroom door slowly opened and she came out and once again said sorry as I went in and took my shower.

Afterwards while I got dressed, Sarah took a shower.

I wasn't really feeling dressy today so I just threw on a pair of black leggings and a large red off shoulder sweater that read 'I'm too cool for you' along with my black Vans and put my hair into a ponytail.

"You look cute" said Sarah as she exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "I was trying not to, but it seems it can't be avoided" I said with a flip of my hair. Crystal laughed as Sarah told me not to get ahead of myself. I stuck my tongue out at her and she did the same as she too got dressed.

Sarah put on a blue floral dress and black ankle boots that had studs lining it. She brushed her hair and left it out. "Hey your roots are growing out" I pointed out to her.

You could see about half an inch of copper red. My dear friend Sarah was indeed a red head. "I'm thinking about getting back my natural colour, what do you think? " she asked. "I always loved your hair, so yeah" I told her.

We all nodded as I got my bag and they got their stuff and we all left.


The final bell of the day rang and as I gathered my stuff I saw Sarah out in the hallway beckoning me over. I went into the hallway and we both went to her truck and drove home. As if on cue, as I stepped inside my house, the house phone started to ring. I quickly went to answer it. "Hello, Burke residence" I answered. This was how Rochelle told me I had to answer the phone. It was a bit prim but whatever.

"Hello, is this Miranda? " a lady asked. "Yes, with whom am I speaking?" I asked as Sarah went upstairs. "Hey, it's Samantha. I'm just reminding you that dinner will be at 5" she said to me in a extra cheery voice.

"Oh, hello Ms. Grey. Um, is it possible for me to invite a friend?" I asked politely. "Oh that would be great. The more the merrier and please do call me Samantha" she said with a small chuckle.

"OK great. We'll be there by 5" I told her. "Great, see you then" she said and hung up.

I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip as I climbed the stairs and went to my room. Sarah was sprawled out on my bed as I entered.

"Hey get your lazy ass up and go get ready" I told her. "Ready for what?" Sarah asked as she sat up and looked at me confused. "For dinner" I said as I went to my closet and took out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black tank top along with a light blue cardigan and threw them on the bed.

I went and took a quick shower and then I blow dried my hair and straightened it as Sarah got ready.

Sarah was like a sister to me, so she kind of lived here, not to Rochelle's knowledge though. So that meant she had clothes and all that stuff here already.

Sarah put on dark blue ripped jeans and a black crop top that had a ruffled neckline. By the time we were finished getting ready it was 4:54 pm. I applied a layer of cherry lip gloss and we headed to Sarah's truck. I haven't seen the girls or Rochelle in a while but I wasn't complaining.

I gave the directions to Sarah and we reached in about 20 minutes. I ringed the doorbell and it opened to reveal a happy Lilly. When she saw that it was me she shouted a very cheerful "Miranda! "


Hey everybody. I want to say thank you all for sticking with me till now. Hope you continue to enjoy. Please Vote, Comment and Follow my profile.

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