Chapter 20

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      Guess who had to take the bus home. This girl! Woo-hoo. Please make sure to note the sarcasm.

     Apparently Sarah had gotten sick and went home early today and left me all alone.

    I opened the door and saw that the house was empty. Ashton was not home yet but he left school before me. Oh well, not my concern. I checked the wall clock and saw that it was now 3:30. Lilly should be back any minute now.

      I brought my book bag up to the room and went to the kitchen to prepare something for us to eat. Remembering that I wasn't so wonderful at cooking, I decided to order some pizza.

      I heard a clicking sound and realized that there was a message on the receiver. I pressed the button for the message to play and Samantha's voice filled the room.

    "Hey Miranda, how is everything. I'm gonna be later than I expected. My business here in Italy is gonna take about three more weeks, I'm sorry about that. But I will be very greatful if you could stay because Ashton is hardly ever at home and I already trust you. I'm sorry for my rambling but I would really appreciate it. I'll send over your birthday present on Friday darling, enjoy the rest of your day. Tell Lilly and Ashton I love them for me please. Muah"

    The message ended. Three more weeks. Oh my. How rich were these people? She was in Italy and she said her business. I became curious but I knew I couldn't ask Ashton,he wouldn't answer me.

      Anyway i'll have to go home and get some more stuff, I'll have to take care of that tomorrow. I picked up the phone and called the pizza place and ordered a large Cheese pizza and a medium pineapple pizza.

      After 30 minutes my order was delivered and so was Lilly. "Hey Mira, I couldn't wait to get home" she shouted happily as she ran and hugged me. I hugged her while balancing the two pizzas on one hand.

      "Do you like pizza?" I asked. "I love pizza, especially he one with the little pineapples. Do you know why I like pineapples?" She said and asked the last part in a whisper as if it was a secret.

    "Why?" I asked back in a whisper. She laughed and shouted "Spongebob!" resulting in me laughing as well.

      "Ok kiddo, I'm gonna go put a few slices in a plate while you put away your stuff" I told her as I went to the kitchen. I put two slices of pineapple pizza on a plate for her and one slice of pineapple along with two slices of cheese for myself.

     Lilly ran past me and went to the fridge to get a juice box. I poured myself some orange juice and we both went to sit in front of the tv. Guess what was on?

  I bet you guessed Spongebob right? Wrong! We are watching Frozen. As we both sang along to Do you wanna build a snowman the door opened.

     "Pooky Bear!" shouted Lilly as she ran and practically dove into her brother's arms. "Hey there Lilly Pad, how was school?" he asked with a warm smile. "It was good. I'm eating pizza" she said with a big smile.

    "Ok Lilly Pad, I'm gonna go up to my room ok" he said while he placed her on the floor. "Hey Ashton, there is pizza in the kitchen if you want" I told him, trying to be nice but being the natural ass he is, he walked right by me without a word.

     Lilly and I went back to watching tv and that was how the rest of my evening went.


    The next morning after I got Lilly ready for school I went to warm up a few slices of the pizza from the night before for my self. To my surprise the box for the pineapple pizza was completely empty with the exception of bread crusts.

     Ashton ate all the pizza. Sigh. Anyways I ate the remainder of the cheese pizza before I went to get my self ready. After a long hour I was finally ready, dressed in shorts and a tank top and my hair was in a ponytail.

     I went out to the hallway and saw Ashton exit his room simultaneously. "Good morning" I said and he grunted as a response. We stood there staring at each other, more glaring coming from his side.

    "Um, your mother won't be back till the next month or so" I explained to him. "Are you serious! So you're gonna be here all that time?" he asked while pointing at me with a look of disgust on his face. "Yes" I said lowly.

     I hated being here as much as he hated having me here but no need for him to be so blunt about it. He went downstairs and into the kitchen and I went down slowly behind him. I exited the house and he exited behind me with a bottle of water in his hand.

    He ran towards his car and realization hit me that Sarah was sick so I had no ride to school. "Um, Asht-" but I was cut off by the revving of his car engine and he sped off the driveway leaving me behind.

    The next bus wasn't gonna be here till the next 30 minutes and that means I'm gonna be late. Oh boy.


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