Chapter 25

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Okay, so after Chapters 23 and 24, Wattpad has deemed Possessive as a Rated R story. I'm sorry guys, however we will press on. Hopefully, this chapter will ease it a bit.



Alexis Vanderpool was standing in front of me, her dark brown eyes slowly roaming over me. This could not be right. This was not who Damien sent. Judging from the cocked eyebrow and smug smirk, my guess was correct. She was working with my brother. Suddenly, I was seeing red. I had to remind myself that she was a lady and I would never hit ladies but if what Heaven confirmed over the telephone was true and that she was raped, Alexis was then merely an accomplice to statutory rape seeing as how she did nothing to stop it from happening. That thought alone made me want to break my rule for not hitting women.

I had been through hell these past four days. Yasmine had called me the day Heaven went missing screaming in fear that she had been talking with her on the phone when she heard screaming and the sound of an awful car crash. When I finally tracked down Heaven's phone after trying and failing miserably to control my anger, I found out that Gray and Marco were taken to St. Giles Hospital. Marco was currently in a coma, a lot of damage done to his body. He had sustained a broken leg, four cracked ribs and contusions to his head. Gray was unconscious when I arrived at the hospital but I had learnt that he just suffered a concussion and a few broken ribs. The car crash was brutal on the both of them. He gave me the full details of what happened and it took all I had not to break anything in that hospital in anger.

He took her. Damien took her. I knew he did.

My house was a mess. My house was no longer suitable for living quarters. I had broken everything in sight. It was like I couldn't function without her. I was going crazy without her.

Landon and Hadassah were the ones who slapped some sense into me. After knocking into my skull that drowning in my sorrows was not going to help me get Heaven back, I picked myself up and tried to find her. I had completely forgotten that I was not the only one who cared for the raven haired beauty.

However brave I was trying to be, the search for her was fruitless. No one could find her. Or Damien. It was like the both of them had disappeared off the face of the earth.....until that phone call. That phone call that changed the game Damien and I were playing. He had hurt her and it was all my fault.

I stared at Alexis, desperately trying to rein in my anger for her sake. We were in my office at Devareaux Corporation, staring at each other like we were trying to gauge our competition for a match.

"So you're the one that Damien sent?" I asked.

She smiled at me and walked towards my desk, planting her body on it as she sat down. "Yes," she said after a moment of silence. "Damien is my adopted brother. I'd do anything he says."

Brother? "What are you talking about, Alexis?" My irritation level was sky high. I was without sleep for two days now. Thoughts of Heaven took up plenty of space in my mind; whether she was okay, if they were feeding her and not treating her like a wild animal, if they were still hurting her, how I was going to get her back. Sleep was the last thing on my mind.

"Damien is my brother. My parents adopted him when he was twelve. Sent him off to a special school when they realised just how smart he was," she said as she smiled fondly. It took all I had not to throw up. Heaven was in misery and here she was reminiscing about memories that I did not care for. "He's brilliant, you know. You will never win against him."

I narrowed my eyes at her last statement. I stood up from my desk, towering over her. I saw the slight fear that flashed in her eyes. I bristled. "You came here to offer me a proposal. I don't want to hear your sappy and utterly disgusting memories of my brother. Do not waste my time, Alexis. It is because of Heaven that I'm seeking to hear you out rather than beat you to a pulp and hand you over to authorities for what you did to her."

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