Chapter 7 (Pic of Landon)

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Picture of Landon, played by Nicholas Hoult----->


"Tristan Devareaux's office," I answered tiredly. This was the fifth time that the office phone had rung in two hours.

"Is Tristan there?" The person asked; the French accent grating on my ear drums.

I sighed. "Can I ask who is calling?" I knew who it was but it was protocol to ask.

"Alexis Vanderpool."

I shook my head at her persistence. Honestly, I was on the verge of just plugging out the telephone line but I knew that Tristan wouldn't like that. "Miss Vanderpool, this is the fifth time you have called and as I have said the first four times before, Mr. Devareaux is in a meeting. As soon as he is free, I will have him call you."

"You better," she snapped and put down the phone in my ear.

I rested my head back on my chair, feeling a tension headache about to make its appearance. I was already stressed out enough; I did not need Alexis' crap. I thought about this morning. Tristan had reverted back to being the introverted, brooding boss and it made me wonder if last night was merely a dream. Though it was not his nature to express his emotions, I know I saw something in Tristan that made me believe he was just misunderstood.


I turned my head and instantaneously a smile appeared on my lips. "Landon!"

Landon Devareaux. The sunny side to Tristan Devareaux. Landon was the opposite of Tristan: happy, jovial, understanding, sarcastic, you name it. Though Landon and Tristan were brothers, Landon looked nothing like his older sibling. Soft, rich brown hair, the most beautiful pair of dark blue eyes with splashes of purple, a slightly crooked nose from an injury and luscious lips complimented a long heart shaped face. While Tristan was tall with linebacker features, Landon was a couple inches shorter with muscles for soccer rather than football.

I got up from my chair and rushed over to Landon. He picked me up and spun me around, making me squeal in delight. Landon was like the brother I never had.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, a huge grin on my face.

He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm here, sadly, to see Tristan and remind him about our mother's weekly barbeque this Saturday."

"Well, Tristan has been in a meeting for the past two hours."

Landon mockingly gasped. "And he didn't take you with him?"

I chuckled at his silliness. "No, he said I wasn't needed for this meeting. Anyway, how's Cherish?"

Cherish was Landon's two year old daughter. At twenty three years old, Landon found out he was a father when someone left a baby wrapped securely in a wicker basket with a note on his doorstep. Of course, Landon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Devareaux, demanded he take a paternity test but we all knew the baby was his. Since then, Landon completely fell in love with his daughter and worships the ground she walks on.

A huge grin appeared on his face and his blue eyes sparked with love. "She's good. I'm thinking about putting her in school soon. She's getting smarter everyday and it baffles me every time."

I was about to answer but I was beaten to it when a deep voice whispered in my ear, sending delightful shivers down my back.

"Having fun, Heaven?"

I turned to see Tristan standing right behind me, his hands buried deep in his pockets and his eyes drenched in lust and curiousness. Why he had lust in his eyes, I had no idea.

Before I could answer, Tristan looked at Landon whose eyes shined with amusement and sported a playful smirk on his face. "What are you doing here, Landon?"

"Oh, good morning, Tristan. How is my day? It's perfect. I'm fine by the way and you?" Landon said as he playfully mocked his older brother.

A smirk graced Tristan's lips but from the way his eyes narrowed at Landon, you could tell he did not enjoy the mock sport. "What are you doing here, Landon?"

Landon deeply sighed and shook his head. "Must it always be so serious with you?"

I could feel the tension brewing between the two brothers and I did not want to get in the middle of it. "I have some files that need filing. It was nice seeing you, Landon. Please bring Cherish the next time you come by, okay?" I said as I inched closer to my desk but before I could get anywhere, a hand reached out and grabbed my waist. I looked up to see Tristan staring at me as he pulled me close to his side.

"I need to talk to you, Heaven," he instantly replied once he saw the confusion in my face. The man left no room for arguments. He turned to Landon. "You were about to say something?"

"Mother wants me to make sure that you come to this week's barbeque. We haven't seen you in three weeks, Tristan," Landon stated as he tilted his head and pushed his hands in his pockets.

"I'm busy," Tristan retorted.

Landon scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Come on, man. You don't have stay for the entire thing. Just show your face, make Mom and Dad happy and get Yasmine off my back. Hell if you feel that uncomfortable, bring Heaven with you."

My head shot up at Landon's statement. Landon wanted Tristan to bring me to a barbeque organized by a woman who almost orchestrated the business world herself? Was he drunk? Tristan would never agree to that!

"Fine," I heard Tristan say. I turned to look at him but he blatantly ignored my tense gaze. "I will come and I will bring Heaven. After that, please leave me alone."

Landon triumphantly smiled and winked at me. "You got it man. See you on Saturday, Heaven. Later, TD!" And with that, he strode towards the elevator, chuckling the entire way.

Tristan grabbed my hand and pulled me into his office, shutting the door behind him. I was still in shock that Tristan even agreed to such a ridiculous idea. Me, Heaven Chambers, go to a barbeque with people whose attire cost more than my apartment and possessed a vocabulary that would put Shakespeare to shame?

"Do you have any messages for me?"

I turned my head towards Tristan who was sitting at his desk with his laptop opened and a file sitting in front of him. Was I zoned out that entire time? I didn't even see when he walked over to his desk in the first place.

"Excuse me?" I asked, still dazed from my thoughts.

"Do you have any messages for me?" Tristan repeated slowly like he was talking to a retard.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No, you do not but Miss Vanderpool has repeatedly called and insisted that you call her right away," I sweetly said with a fake smile on my face.

He slightly tilted his head and I could see the amusement sparking in his eyes. He knew that Alexis Vanderpool made me want to throw up. "Really now?"

Tristan was beginning to irritate me. "Will that be all, Sir?" I asked, desperate to get away from him.

Tristan fixated his gaze on my wound. I had taken off the bandage and covered the wound with my hair. I didn't want anyone to know what happened. There was already enough talk circling the building about me. I did not need any more rumors circulating.

He shot me his breathtaking smirk. He knew that he was getting under my skin and he enjoyed it. "Call Mr. Lanning and set up that appointment for Sunday. I'm taking the deal to buy his business. Get the documents ready and have Landon look them over. Pack a bag. We're going on the boat."

"The boat?" I squeaked.

"Is that a problem, Heaven?"

"N-No. No problem at all," I said breathlessly. "I will set up the meeting."

And with that I rushed out of his office, heading straight for the bathroom.

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