Chapter 19

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Club Negative Zero.

What kind of name was that to open a business with? It sounded like an STD or some scientific way of saying that the temperature was dropping. However stupid the name was, I kept my thoughts to myself. Apparently, this was the hottest night club in Aspen.

I still could not fathom that Tristan had brought me to Aspen for my birthday. I had always wanted to travel to Aspen but the money was still in my savings account. It had taken me a few years to gather enough money for a month long trip but I still needed some money for skiing; let's face it, skiing in Aspen is a lot of fun.

As soon as Gray and Marco dropped us at the club's entrance, I knew that it was colossal mistake to come. This was Hadassah's domain. I knew nothing about clubbing. I mean, I did go to a few clubs but I only stayed for about an hour at the most before I got bored and headed home for my bed and a good book.

Loud music was shaking the walls of the club. A long line of people were waiting; the queue snaked from the entrance to around the corner of the club and possibly a little ways down the street too. I looked at my sister who was hopping up and down with excitement. Hadassah had long shed the false bottom of her floor length dress, revealing her thigh length halter neck dress. Oh, she was ready to have some fun.

I looked up at Tristan, my eyes pleading with him to let me go back to the suite but all the infuriating man did was shake his head and toss me his heart pumping smile.

"It's your birthday, Heaven. Enjoy it," he whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the entrance. The bouncer waved us in; the crowd of people yelling and complaining. The atmosphere in the club was intense. 'Tonight I'm Loving You' by Enrique Iglesias pumped through the hidden speakers. A sea of people was on the dance floor, their bodies tangled together in a mixture of clothes, sweat and alcohol. A small area for sitting down was situated at the back of the club near the mile long bar.

Tristan immediately pulled me towards the bar and sat me down an empty stool, standing in between my legs. Yasmine sat on the stool next to me with Bryson standing in front of her. Hadassah ran up to the bar with Landon trailing behind her and instantly waved down the bartender.

"Hey, give me six tequila shots," Hadassah ordered.

I frowned. "Six tequila shots? Are you mad?"

Hadassah rolled her eyes at me and sighed. "We have to celebrate your birthday, hermanita. What better way than shots?"

She picked up one of the six shots that the bartender had placed in front of her and handed it to me. She poured some salt on my hand and handed me a lemon wedge. She distributed the other five shots, giving the others salt and a lemon wedge and cleared her throat. "Okay guys, this is Heaven's twenty fifth birthday. It's high time I get her into the tradition that I've started so long ago. Heaven, I wish Mom and Dad could be here to see you be the woman that you are but they prefer to be back in New York where people still have their heads and clothes on. Anyway, you have grown into a beautiful young woman and I wish you all the best and many more birthdays to come. Hurray! For you people who are tequila virgins, just follow my lead."

We all tipped our glasses to our heads and swallowed the alcohol. Whoa, that burned! We licked the salt off of our hands and stuck the lemon wedges in our mouths, sucking the juice before tossing the wedges on the bar.

"Now, it's my tradition to get bone drunk on my birthday and dance on the bar but I will wait until Heaven is a little tipsy to do that so come on, hermanita, and shake what Mama gave you on the dance floor," Hadassah yelled as she grabbed my hand and made her way towards the dance floor. I had the good sense to grab Yasmine's hand as well and dragged her along with me so that I wouldn't be stuck with my crazy sister.

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