Chapter 11 (Pic of Bryson)

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Picture of Bryson, played by Dean Geyer (he is so cute!!!!) ----->


"Thanks for the coffee, Heaven. I'm never drinking again," Landon declared as he handed me the mug.

I shot him my best 'Yeah right' look. "The last time you said that, there was a baby left on your doorstep nine months later." Landon glared at me while I smirked at him. "Don't look at me like that. You know it's true."

"It may be so but that mistake brought me a miracle," he said wistfully. Landon shook his head and looked at the contract in front of him. "Everything seems to be in order. All it needs is Mr. Lanning's signature as well as Tristan's."

I picked up the contract and placed it back in its folder. "Thanks Landon. Should have done this yesterday but we both forgot about it."

Before Landon could say anything more, Tristan entered his study. My heart was jumping in my chest. I took deep breaths to calm down. Today, he decided on casual clothes; button up plaid shirt, jeans and Vans on his feet. It was weird seeing him in anything but office attire but the man could wear a potato sack and still look good.

"Mr. Lanning has arrived. Heaven, please show him into the state room, I'll be there shortly."

I nodded my head, handed him the folder with the contract in it and took my leave, the mug in my hand. I rushed to the kitchen to make more coffee. The cook was there making his famous Russian salad and a meal with steak. I begged him to tell me what he was making but he only smirked at me and said I would enjoy it.

With a tray of coffee mugs in hand, I made my way to the foyer of the yacht. Mr. Lanning was there looking thoughtfully at one of the many pictures Tristan had adorned the yacht with.

"Mr. Lanning, good morning," I greeted.

The stocky old man turned; a huge smile on his face. "Ah, Heaven! Good morning to you too. Where is Mr. Devareaux?"

"Mr. Devareaux will be with you shortly. He is with his lawyer but he asked me to show you to the state room. Follow me, please."

The two of us travelled across the foyer to the state room. If Tristan was meeting with anyone on the yacht, he often did his business in the state room. A huge mahogany table surrounded by six Empire chairs sat in the middle of the room. Light filtered in from the glass windows. A painting of the statue of Liberty hung on the wall above flat screen television. I placed the tray on the table and handed a mug to Mr. Lanning.

"Uncle?" I heard someone shout from the foyer.

"In the state room, Bry!"

Footsteps echoed throughout the yacht. Whoever Mr. Lanning was waiting on arrived. My jaw dropped.

Standing in front of me was someone I thought I would never see again. Gone was the lanky boy with greasy black hair and the most hideous pair of glasses you have ever seen in your life. Gone were the million acne bumps and the ridiculous braces. Gone were the hoodie jackets and sweat pants and muddy sneakers.

He was totally gorgeous with smooth skin and a perfect tan. His black hair was cut short and styled with spikes that suited him nicely. Those hideous glasses no longer hid brilliant blue eyes. His teeth were now straighter than an arrow and sparkled when the sun hit them. He shot up in height; I was taller than he was before. Now, I had to look up to him. Muscles threatened to pop a nice white shirt. A beach pants and crisp white Jordans complimented his look.

He looked surprised at first before he flashed me his million dollar smile that I bet made the girls swoon. "Heaven Chambers."

His deep voice made me shiver. "Bryson? Bryson Lanning?"

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