Chapter 4

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Tristan moved away from the wall and came to stand in front of me, sort of like a guard defending a princess. I could feel the anger rolling off of him in waves. His shoulders were stiff and his back was tense. I didn't have to look at him to know that his eyes were cold and calculating, completely devoid of all emotion.

I saw a flash of color and turned my head to see Alexis standing by the restaurant doorway, a scowl present on her pretty face. I realised that the scowl was directed at me and I knew that she thought I was ruining her night with Tristan.

The drunkard gave a hearty chuckle as he took in Tristan's stance. "Who are you? Her knight in glittering armor? Man, just get out of my way. You have your pretty little plaything over there," he said as he pointed at Alexis. "And I want mine." His dazed eyes glanced at me, sending disgusted shivers all over my body.

In the blink of an eye, Tristan darted away from me and knocked out the drunkard with one punch to his face. I loudly gasped, having never been one to see a fight and watched terrified as the man slumped to the ground, his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Tristan, hearing my loud and terrified gasp, turned to face me; his cold eyes softening just a bit. My heart was now pumping furiously in my chest, making it very hard for me to breathe. The sight of the man and Tristan's cold gaze was forever etched in my head. I felt extremely sick, bordering on the verge of bringing back up the chicken I had for dinner.

My body was shaking and I wondered why. I dazedly turned my eyes away from the unconscious man to the Greek God in front of me. His face was etched with concern. I briefly wondered why but I shook that thought away when I realised that his lips were moving.

"Heaven, are you okay?" Tristan asked.

I shook my head. "I'm - I'm fine," I whispered.

Tristan narrowed his eyes at me in suspicion. "Are you sure?"

I emphatically nodded my head, hating to see the look of concern he was constantly shooting me. "I said I'm fine!" I firmly said as I shook his rough but very gentle hands off of my shoulders.

He seemed rather content with my answer because he suddenly turned on me with eyes blazing with anger. "What were you doing out here by yourself, Heaven? Where is the valet?" He snapped.

I was taken aback by his anger. First, he was concerned about me and now he was angry at me? Talk about bipolar.

"The valet went for your car," I mumbled.

"Why didn't you go with him?" Tristan yelled.

My mouth dropped open in shock. This was his entire fault! "Well, if you hadn't been blatantly sending lustful glances at Miss Vanderpool all night, I wouldn't have to get your car! And I believe that when I did, you would have made me get in the front seat and become your personal driver! I am your assistant not your chauffeur, Mr. Devareaux!" I yelled back, poking my finger in his hard chest at each word.

Where was this sudden bravery coming from? I blame my head wound.

Tristan seemed to have had the same thought as his eyes lit up in amusement though his face remained passive. "Since when did Heaven Chambers become so brave? You have worked for me for three years and I have never heard you raise your voice. Is the little mouse finally talking?"

Tristan was mocking me. I stepped back and sighed. "I talk."

He raised his eyebrows in skepticism. "You barely talk to the staff, Heaven."

"Oh and you do?" I mockingly asked, folding my arms across my chest. "What a shock! And here I was thinking you are a self obsessed, very introverted, brooding playboy. Whoops, silly me."

A small smirk appeared on his face before it disappeared as he looked at my wound once more. "You should have that checked, Heaven."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, turning my attention to the valet who had finally arrived with Tristan's sleek black SUV. I took the keys from the valet and turned towards Tristan.

"I'm fine," I said, dismissing his earlier statement. "An ice pack and a glass of wine and I will be right as rain. You, on the other hand, have an eight o'clock meeting tomorrow morning with the staff. I suggest you and Miss Vanderpool get in your car and have a safe trip," I told him as I handed him his car keys.

Tristan looked behind him as though he just remembered that Alexis was with him. He looked back at me, his eyes resting on the wound before roaming over the rest of my body.

"And how will you get home?"' He asked.

"I'll just take a cab. It's no matter."

He was silent for a few minutes, his eyes twinkling with concentration. Suddenly, he strode towards his car, opening the passenger door. "Get in."

I stared at him in shock. He can't be serious? "I told you, Mr. Devareaux, I would get a cab," I stubbornly declared.

Tristan's hazel eyes narrowed immensely at me and a frown appeared on his lips. "Get in the car, Heaven."

His voice left no room for options. I sighed, knowing the man was as stubborn as a mule. Just as I was about to step off the sidewalk, Alexis suddenly rushed forward, pushing me out of the way. I stumbled before catching myself, glaring at her back.

"I thought I was going home with you," she whined as she pressed against Tristan's chest. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead put on a passive face.

Tristan blankly blinked at her, his face expressionless. "Go home and sleep off the wine, Alexis."

Alexis dramatically gasped. "Tristan! Are you going to leave me here?"

"Go home, Alexis," Tristan enunciated as he pushed her out of his way and walked around to the driver's side of his car. He paused as he opened his car door. He stared at me, his hazel eyes getting darker that street by each passing second.

"Get in the car, Heaven! Don't make me tell you again," Tristan growled before sliding into the car.

I didn't wait or stay. The man was already angry. I didn't want to do anything to make him any angrier. I stumbled towards the car, walking around Alexis and awkwardly got in the passenger side.


Here is the next chapter. I promise it will get better and there will be longer chapters. Love you guys!!!!

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