Chapter 18

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"Where are we?" Heaven asked for the millionth time since I put the blindfold over her eyes.

I chuckled and shook my head at her. "It's a surprise."

She pouted her lips in the most adorable way but stayed silent. Finally, she realised that I wasn't going to say anything.

The month flew by; it was November. Snow was beginning to fall in New York. The Christmas season was near. Heaven and I had grown closer together. I was, surprisingly, opening up more to her. I found myself wishing that I had never pushed her away. In a way that wasn't sick or twisted, my brother was right. She was really a beautiful woman. Who could resist her charms? I was falling in love with Heaven Chambers. And that didn't bother me one bit.

Once the car pulled to a stop, I grabbed her hand and guided her out of the car, relishing in the softness of her hand. We were standing in front of the Mayhew Hotel. The hotel was on a cliff, near the mountains. Trees coated with snow dotted the expanse of land that was covered in a thick blanket of snow. The hotel itself was the best. Sixty floors of the best rooms with a prestigious hotel restaurant and bar and excellent staff; the hotel was amazing.

I positioned Heaven in front of the hotel so that she was seeing the beauty of the place.

"Now are you going to tell me where we are?" Heaven asked.

I chuckled and took off her blindfold. "Yes."

Her surprised gasped filled my ears. "Are we Aspen?" She yelled. "Why?"

I pulled her into my body and wrapped my arms around her petite waist. "Happy Birthday, Heaven," I whispered in her ear.

Loudly, she gasped and spun around in my arms. Her green eyes were wide open and mouth had dropped in shock. I smirked. I knew she forgot.

"Today's the fourteenth?"

I smiled at her. "I knew you forgot your birthday. You know, for someone who keeps my books better than I do....."

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Heaven cut me off. "Yeah, yeah, I forget a lot." She smiled at me and leaned forward to kiss me. "Thank you," she whispered against my lips.

"Don't thank me just yet," I said as I pulled away and stepped behind her so that she could have a perfect view of the hotel. Four people rushed out the hotel's double door entrance.


"Hadassah?" Heaven asked; shock visible in her voice. She looked behind her sister at the other people trying to catch up. "Landon? Yasmine? Bryson? What are you guys doing here?"

Hadassah, reaching her sister first, launched herself at Heaven. I had the good sense to foresee something like that happening with Hadassah so I managed to sidestep in time as I watched both sisters tumble to the wet ground.

"Oh, get off me, you tub of lard!" Heaven yelled.

Hadassah cackled and hugged her sister. "Happy Birthday, little sister!"

"Thank you. Now get off me!"

Hadassah got up and I reached down to help Heaven. I tried to keep a smile off my face but failed when I saw her hair and her back caked in snow. She scowled at me when she realised what I smiling at but she couldn't stay mad at me long enough.

"What are you guys doing here?" Heaven asked, addressing the rest of the gang.

"We came to wish you a Happy Birthday. You're twenty five now. That's a big age, pipsqueak," Landon said as he ruffled her hair.

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