Chapter 21

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The Devareaux Castle was bursting with people. The living room was absolutely amazing. Several cream couches sat in circle, surrounding a small black coffee table. A giant chandelier hung over the coffee table, spreading light in every direction. A huge oak cabinet was seated in front of a wall. A seventy five inch full screen television sat on top the cabinet with several pictures surrounding it. People walked in and out of the living room, food or drinks in their hands.

Cherish and I stood to one side, our eyes hungrily scanning the room for Tristan. As soon as we had arrived, the Devareaux butler Taylor, informed Tristan that his parents requested his presence. That was a little over a half an hour ago. Once he left, Taylor led Cherish and I to the living room where people from the high society gathered for the latest gossip. I dared not venture out into the open like that and no one spared me a glance. They probably thought I was a babysitter. I was not accustomed to extravagant parties like this. Honestly, I preferred to be sitting on the sofa, cuddling next to Tristan with a good book.

Cherish looked at me, boredom etched in her face. I knew that face anywhere. I was wearing it, after all. "It's okay, baby girl. Uncle Tristan will find us soon."


I looked up to see Bryson walk over to me. I shot him a relieved smile and hugged him.

"Merry Christmas, Bryson."

He smiled at me and nodded his head. "Merry Christmas. I see you're quite bored."

"Well, this is not really my cup of tea," I said, scrunching my nose.

"Tristan's with his parents, huh? Yas had to leave me too. Luckily, the butler informed me that you were here so I came to look for you," Bryson stated.

The Christmas party went on, the hours passing rather slowly. Really and truly, only about two hours passed but they felt like a lifetime. Yasmine and Tristan didn't return. Bryson and I kept each other company. We left the living room and headed towards the back yard and sat down by the pool. We stuck our feet in the cool, chlorine filled water and reveled in the fun times we had in the past.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you guys! Everyone already left. Dinner's ready."

We turned our heads to see Yasmine walk towards us. Her face lit up as soon as she laid eyes on Bryson. He sprang up from his sitting position by the pool side and ran the short distance to the welcoming arms of his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, Bry, but my parents demanded my presence," Yasmine scoffed. "Mom made Tristan and I stay by her side while she introduced and talked to all the high society people of New York. We tried to get away but you know how it is."

I chuckled and shook my head, putting on my shoes and stepping away from the pool. "I don't. Remember I'm not exactly rich."

Yasmine smirked at me and sent me a mischievous wink. "But you will be soon. Anyway, I see Landon's not here yet."

I wondered what that smirk and wink was for. "Landon's coming here?"

"Yeah," Yasmine said as she led both Bryson and I back into the house towards the dining room. "He said he'd be here later."

The dining room was massive, enough room to hold two limos and a zoo. A large twelve seater pine table sat in the middle of the room. Huge wall length windows adorned the walls along with several paintings. A fire place sat at the back of the room. A highway length bar was situated along the left side of the room; the bartender was busy filling drink orders.

Tristan rushed up to my side and grabbed my hand. "I'm so sorry...."

Placing my finger on his lips, I silenced him. "It's okay. Yas already explained."

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