Chapter 14

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"You better be sick, dying or on your last breath to be ringing my phone at seven o'clock on a Saturday morning," I huffed into my cellphone.

"I can assure you, I am quite fine," a deep voice said.

Immediately, I sprang up from my pillow. "Mr. Devareaux."

He chuckled. "Good morning, Heaven."

I resisted the urge to shiver. Two weeks had passed since our last conversation in his office. We still maintained that awful professional relationship but we seemed to be tiptoeing around each other.

"Is there a reason you are calling my phone, Sir?" I asked, feigning indifference.

Tristan cleared his throat. "Yes, Landon dropped Cherish at my house just now as he unexpectedly had to leave for a case in Germany but I need someone to keep Cherish company. I'm going to be busy for a few hours.

"Can't Yasmine do it?" I asked, hoping he said yes as I cherished the weekend where I could get away from his gaze.

"She's doing her residency at the hospital today."

I sighed. "So naturally that leaves me. Okay, I'll - I'll take her to a fair. I'll be there soon."

"I will have Gerald pick you up," Tristan said.

I shook my head, knowing he couldn't see me. "No thank you. I'll take a cab," I said and hung up before he had a chance to demand I follow his request.

Once again, I found myself at Tristan Devareaux's mansion rather unwillingly. Before I could even steel my nerves and ring the doorbell, the double doors opened revealing the grandfather like butler.

"Good morning, Miss Chambers," Gerald said as he stepped aside to let me in.

I plastered a fake smile on my face. "Good morning, Gerald." 'Good morning my butt' I thought.

"Mr. Devareaux is in his office. Follow me please," Gerald said as he led me past the living room and down a hallway adorned with antique paintings and statues from history around the world. Gerald stopped in front of a mahogany door furnished with carvings of Latin words. Giggles and growls could be heard from behind the door. Gerald knocked on the door.

"Enter," Tristan's voice said as it rang through the door.

Gerald looked at me, a small smile on his face as if he understood the turmoil that was bubbling inside of me before he turned and disappeared down the hallway.

Steeling my nerves once again, I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, pushing open the door. Books upon books were stocked on two wall length shelves. A small cabinet sat underneath a seventy inch screen television that hung on the wall. A gleaming wooden desk sat in the middle room with a silver laptop, several books and piles of papers adorning it. However, what made my jaw drop was watching Tristan on all fours with Cherish on his back growling like he a lion in jungle in search of his prey. They had yet to see me standing in the doorway.

"Is there something you need, Gerald?" Tristan asked as he crawled in front of his desk, growling as Cherish squealed and laughed in delight all the while clapping her chubby hands yelling 'Go, Twistan! Go!"

"Uh, it's not Gerald," I said once I remembered how to use my vocal chords.

My words seemed to have shocked him because he crashed into the front of his desk making several papers and books drop to the floor. He grabbed Cherish from off of his back and stood up, resting her on his hip.

"Heaven! Uh, it's...." Tristan began, a blush setting in his cheeks.

"Not what it looks like?" I finished for him. "You were pretending to be a lion in the jungle with a two year old yelling 'Go Twistan! Go!' on your back. Did I miss anything?"

PossessiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora