Chapter 8

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"I'm coming! Just a second!"

I think the person on the other side of my apartment door did not seem to understand what 'just a second' meant because the colossal idiot banged on my door again for the third time this morning.

"Okay!" I yelled as I stormed over to the door. I angrily yanked it open, ready to give this impatient son of a gun a piece of my mind.

"What the hell is your problem?! Banging on my door at......?"

My breath caught in my throat. Standing in the hallway with that infamous smirk plastered on his face was none other than Tristan Devareaux. His untimely visit was completely unexpected but then again when you work for a boss who manages a corporation based on knowing everything in the world, it wasn't that surprising to know that he knew my floor let alone my apartment number.

"Tristan," I whispered, utterly bewildered.

His hazel eyes slightly darkened as they roamed over my pajama clad body. "Hello, Heaven."

Involuntarily, my eyes closed on their own accord and I released a breathless moan as his husky voice resonated deep within my body. I shivered, secretly loving the way I responded to him.

Just like that, all my anger dissipated. Just by the sound of his voice. Damn him. "What - What are you doing here?"

His smirk turned into a barely visible smile and I had to hold onto my door just a little tighter. What the heck happened to him? For the last three days, Tristan became even more dark and brooding, snapping and barking at every little thing. It made me often wonder if he was surfing the dark red sea. You never knew these days about the men.

"Do you know what today is?" Tristan mysteriously asked.

My eyes scrunched in confusion. "Saturday," I said slowly, trying to figure out the game he was playing.

He chuckled and shook his head though the laughter did not quite reach his hazel eyes. "Okay, glad you got that one right. Next question: do you what time it is?"

What? Didn't he own a watch? I sighed and slightly leaned back, looking at the clock that hung on the wall next to my doorframe. "It's ten thirty? Why - Why are you here, Sir?"

Tristan lazily sighed and leaned against the wall of my apartment complex hallway; his stance, although relaxed, seemed to be intimidating. "You know, for someone who keeps my appointments better than I do, you're very forgetful, Heaven."

Once again, I sighed and rolled my eyes, crossing my hands over my chest. We were not getting anywhere. I did not have time to play games. I longed for the comfort of my bed. "Can you just tell me why you are banging on my door at ten thirty in the morning when I have better things to do like sleep?"

He moved away from the wall and stood directly in front of me. I took a deep breath as his cologne completely washed over me. He smelled like the outdoors and sunshine. Heavenly. Without any self restraint, my eyes roamed over him and I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from sighing out loud. Dressed in a white V neck shirt and dark jeans with white Nike sneakers on his feet, Tristan Devareaux looked like he just stepped out of a Vogue catalogue.

Tristan looked down at me, his eyes staring directly into mine. "Did you forget about my mother's barbeque?"

Immediately, I backed up and looked at him strangely. That was today? Tristan's eyes shined with amusement and his lips twitched as he was trying to keep a smile under lock and key. "You forgot," he stated.

Silently, I swallowed my nervousness and blankly stared at him as the amusement, just as fast as it came, disappeared from his eyes and instead was replaced with coldness.

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