Chapter 3: Internet does it better

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3 hours, 36 minutes, 45 seconds later:

Namjoon sat on the toilet seat, finally getting time to take a peaceful dump.

He was tired to death because....

Jungkook and Jimin took quick and serious steps into the kitchen. Their hands immediately at work. Jungkook opening another box of baby cereal while Jimin pulled out some milk from the fridge.

The two were sorted to make the baby shut up and for it, they cared no more of their wasted Sunday.

Their determination caught every other members' attention.

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asked, suddenly feeling guilty.

Jimin looked up as he lit up the stove and placed a pan on it. Filling it mid way with water, he was making sure that the baby's hygiene is perfect.

"Being productive" Jungkook answered, slowly reading the instructions.

"Tae..pass me the nipple, please" Jimin asked, as he carefully sterilised the plastic milk bottle for the baby.

"Wh-what? Wh-why? What are y-you talkin—"

"Not your nipple, that one" Yoongi bummed in, pointing at the wrapped elastic nipple on the coffee table.

"Oh" Taehyung popped out as he leaned over and grabbed it, passing it over to Jimin.

"You guys are working nice" Jin smiled.

"Hyung. Go take care of the baby inside" Jimin ordered, busy taking out the warm, sterilised bottle and nipple from the boiling water.

"Change her diaper" The maknae ordered the eldest and complying like as if intimidated, Jin's feet scurried into Namjoon's room.

Meanwhile Jungkook mixed the powder cereal with milk, making a light-brownish mixture which looked edible.


"Hoseok! I want you here!" Jin's voice seemed panicked as he called out for his friend.

Hoseok's soft steps entered Namjoon's room and his jaw dropped when seeing what his friend was doing.

"Y-yah! Hyung! What are you do—"

"We need to bathe her" Jin mumbled, disgustingly. "Look at the pool of wetness she's created on Joon's bed" Jin scurried the baby out of her little, not to
mention ragged, onsie as he hoisted her up in his strong arms.

"I'm not doing this, she's a girl" Hoseok clarified, though his mind told him that it's a baby and though it was completely normal for them to bathe the baby, but;

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