47. Trust me or dont

Start from the beginning

"Some guys from the FBI" one of the guys says a serious scowl stuck on his face. Both men step aside and pull the door open for me to enter. As I walk in my eyes lock with Lucious I can tell he has a lot on his mind.

"Hey baby" I nervously say scanning the room. I sit my purse on lu's desk then peck his lips. "What's up?" I add looking towards the men who seem to be observing my every move.

"They have some questions for us cooks, I don't know what about but they were persistent on waiting until you got here to ask them" lu reveals making me raise my brows.

"Questions about?" I ask.

"About Laura-" I cut him off.

"You found her?" I play dumb.

"No but we have reason to believe that something may have happened to her" he says.

"Like what?" I question crossing my legs.

"Well we received a anonymous tip saying that Laura was at your wedding party months back" he says making me gasp.

"Our wedding party?" Lu adds shocked.

"Yes,we followed up on that lead and found footage of Laura entering the building through the back door" he says "but the footage inside the building during your party is missing and there hasn't been a trace of Laura anywhere" he stops staring at us.

"And? What are you saying?" Lu snaps.

"We're saying that Laura was at your party but there's no proof she ever left. We know that there was bad blood between your son and daughter in law with Laura. What happened to her" he presses.

"We don't know what happened to that girl. She was an insane escaped prisoner first off, secondly it was our wedding party we weren't paying much attention to anyone we left way before that party even ended so we wouldn't be able to help you much with these questions" lu tells him.

"Well someone has to know something someone had to do something" he says looking towards me.

"Are you accusing me of something because what you're insinuating is a big accusation" I ask looking directly at him.

"Not an accusation just a statement Mrs. Lyon" he lies.

"Mhm okay well we answered all your questions, is there anything else?" I ask.

"Look Mr and Mrs Lyon we don't want any problems we're just trying to figure out what happened" he says trying to sound innocent. I can tell by the look on his face he doesn't like us.

"And we want you to figure it out but you're asking the wrong people sir and it's been months" lu replies making both men stand.

"We understand mr Lyon, it was a pleasure meeting maybe next time we meet we'll have some news" The agent says before disappearing out the door. I quickly close and lock the doors and turn on the speaker.

"We gotta find Tiana and Hakeem before those agents get a chance to interview them, they'll eat them alive lu" I whisper into his ear. He just nods his head then proceeds to kiss me neck. "Come on Stop, we don't have time for that" I demand standing and grabbing my purse.

"I know but it was worth a try, I'm too damn stressed" lu reveals turning off the music.

"I got you later I promise now come on" I say scurrying out the door.

Tiana POV

I'm sitting in the park with my babies when a black SUV truck pulls up in front of me. I raise my brow and look towards my bodyguard as two men in suits approach me.

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