Please Read This

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I have been getting a swarm of comments about the following things and I would like to address it now. Before I lose my mind.

I can't believe I even have to say this but oh well...

-This follows the story line directly so this is your spoiler warning if you haven't seen all of the first season.

-This is a Jughead x Reader. Not a bughead story. Okay? I'm not writing Bughead romances because its not what its about. If you don't like that. Don't read my book.

-Strong Language is used. No I won't stop using that language. No I won't censor myself. If you don't like it you should probably avoid my books.

-Characters, scenes, and lines sometimes were changed to be able to fit the story. That happens when you add new characters in.

- I write my chapters following the script for that episode and while following the episode. So don't say I'm wrong because I'm most likely not. And if I am its intentional. 

-Trust me with were the book goes. I'm the one writing it. But suggestions are fine. But Lucky has been done for like months. Giving me suggestions on this book is useless because I'm not changing it.

-The main charterer in this book is seen as female. And I see how non inclusive that is. So if you would like for my more masculine readers for me to make another version of Lucky and Holding on for you for a male or more masculine perspective please message me. 

Things that you probably shouldn't do.

-Stop spoiling shit in the comments unless its ahead. Specifically if its season 2. Not everyone has seen it yet so don't be an ass. So the chain on the 2nd or 3rd chapter with the Clifford Blossom shit needs to stop. I get it we should all know. But I don't want to hear people complain. Although I love that thread. So maybe keep that one going. 

 -If I use a band or singer you don't like. I apologize. But its been in this book for a while now so its staying. Pretend its another band. The second book gets more vague. But don't yell at me for it. I left my opinions on it in the comments and I've apologized multiple times. But its been like 9 months since that chapter was posted there isn't any use in changing it now.

-The clothing descriptions and pictures I leave are completely optional okay. Imagine it however you want. But I base it off of my style and trends/ fashion that I personally enjoy. But don't comment about how ugly the dress is or something. If its like a thing were a dress is a no go for dances I'll throw some tux ideas in Book 2 since like I already said. I'm leaving this book alone. 

Things that are 100% okay

-Comments! I love reading your comments. I might not always reply but I do always read them.

-Wink Wonk thread was pretty amazing.

-Discussing things in the comments about the story, your life, whatever, again fine.

-Literally most things are okay.

         If you have any problem with this then please message me directly so we can talk or stop reading my books. Otherwise I hope this is a thing we can agree on. Sweet.

                         - Em

Lucky// Jughead x Reader (book one in Lucky Series) Where stories live. Discover now