Chapter 4

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Jason Blossom was dead. Drowned in Sweetwater River on the fourth of July. The whole town now laced with dread and terror. It's a popular river it honestly could have been any one of us.

It's the last day of summer break. Time moves fast when you are spending all of your time sitting with your best friend on your laptops. I have been trying to forget about Jason. To ignore the whole thing and just enjoy my return to tragedy town. With that i decided to force my childhood friend Betty Cooper to acknowledge me. So here I am standing at Betty's doorstep. I knock lightly on the door and after a few minutes the door was opened to reveal Mrs. Alice Cooper. Her perfectly neat blonde hair her neat clothes. Everything was perfect. It always had to be with her. I smile at her. It's almost forced and only to be polite.

  "May I help you?" She asks. I nod.

   "I'm an old friend of Betty's I-"

   "You're Naomi and David's daughter," she interrupts me. I flinch at the names. Naomi and David's daughter. The murders daughter. Tragedy girl. It's never my name.

   "Yeah," I say hoping to quickly move past it, "Y/n."

   "Well I'll tell Betty you're here," she says shutting the door in my face. She doesn't even try to be polite about it.

   "Okay then," I mumble to myself. I look around anxiously. Rocking back and forth on my heels. I should have listened to Jughead. He cautioned me that Alice had gotten even worse and I should be prepared. Obviously I wasn't. After about 5 minutes the door flies open revealing Betty Cooper. Perfectly Pink Elizabeth Cooper.

  "Y/n?" Betty asks. It's rhetorical. She knows it's me but just to make sure she asks. I look over her she's gotten bigger. She was pretty back then and somehow she's gotten even more so.

  "In the flesh," I say to her with a wide smile. She pulls me into a tight hug. Making sure to be the last to pull away. That trait of hers never seemed to go away.

   "Omg are you back for good?" She asks me. I nod. "That's amazing!"

   "I know," I say cheerfully.

   "Here," she says, "I'm getting ready and my friend is helping, wanna come up and hang out?"

   "Duh," I say, "I've missed you."

"Then come on," she says. She smiles and waves me into her house. Once inside I somehow feel so at home. I spent more time here then I ever did my actual house. All the pictures have been updated and a few ones from her childhood stuck out. I notice one on the wall that had Betty and I. Originally it had my mom it in too but it seems that Alice cut her out. I sigh then focus on moving ahead. Betty's room remained the bright pink it was when we were kids. Pink and lace something she apparently kept into her teen years. I look around admiring the sense of calm and organization. It takes me a second but I realize there is a boy around our age sprawled out on the bed. I look back to Betty curiously. "Why is there a man on your bed?"

   "That's the friend helping me, his name is Kevin," She says, "and he's gay." Odd of her to announce that so early but alright.

    "Hey I'm Kevin, Kevin Keller," He says smiling politely. I match the look.

    "Y/n L/n," I reply. He gives me a sympathetic look.

   "That L/n?" He asks. Betty glares daggers at him. I sigh lightly. I've prepared myself to handle all of these interactions for years. I mean this is the thing people know me for. That's the only thing I'll ever miss about the other towns. The bliss of a fresh start.

   "Yep that l/n," I mumble not enjoying this moment, "It's fine lets just not talk about it." I join Kevin on her bed. He scoots over to give me space. Kevin. He must have gotten into town after I left or maybe he was just one of those kids I never got to meet. Regardless he seems nice enough.

Lucky// Jughead x Reader (book one in Lucky Series) Where stories live. Discover now