Chapter 22

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     All I want to do is write so expect spam updates.


 "I don't want Polly to run away," Betty says, "But if she can't live at home, then I don't know, I can rent her an apartment."

"Let me talk to my mom," V says. 

"No, you have your own stuff you're dealing with right now, V," Betty says. 

"Betty, Polly needs doctors, she needs prenatal vitamins," Veronica says.

"She needs her family," Cheryl's voice says from the doorway.

"The wicked witch has arrived!" I say.

"Stuff it, Orphan Ann," She says.

"I'm technically not an orphan," I say.

"Whatever Betty can I talk to you?" Cheryl asks.

"Don't do it," I say, "she might killllll you."

"Yeah," Betty says standing up. They both leave the lounge and I'm left with Veronica.

"It feels like its been years since we've got to talk," She says.

"I know," I say.

"So whats with you and Jug?" She asks.

"Right now its simply make out sessions and hand holding," I say.

"Oh the most enjoyable of phases," She says.

"Yeah well I don't know if either of us knows how to leave that phase," I say.

"Little Miss Y/n didn't date much?" V asks.

"Here and there," I say, " that last guy I really dated was before I came back here."

"What happened?" She asks.

"I wouldn't sleep with him, so he told the whole school I did and was a slut," I say, "I that's why I was extra pissed at Chuck."

"I'm sorry," She says.

"Dude its fine," I say, "I have Juggie now and he wouldn't do something like that. And if he ever did I am more then capable of handling him."

"N/n," Jug says as he sits beside me. He puts his arm on my shoulder and pulls me towards him. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Kicking your ass," V says.

"What?" He asks.

"Long story I'll tell you later," I say, "so whats up?"

"My dad is working with Mr. Andrews now so Archie and I are going over there after school," He says, "wanna come?"

"I mean I have nothing better to do so sure," I say.

"Unless you want to go clubbing with Me and Kev I would go with him," V says.

"Clubbing?" I ask.

"Rebelling against my mother," She says.

"Sweet, I live for teenage rebellion," I say, "But I'll have to skip it this time."

"It's fine," She says, "I invited Reggie so I figured that would happen."

"Yeah," I check my phone for the time. "I'll meet you and Archie my truck and we can head to the construction sight.

"Alright," He says.


I sat by Jughead as Archie bounces a ball on the ground as we wait for Fred and FP to get back. I  hear their voices and look over. "Oh, how was your first day back?" Jug asks.

Lucky// Jughead x Reader (book one in Lucky Series) Where stories live. Discover now