Chapter 45

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  "Juggie?" I say. He turns to me and his smile drops. I smirk and walk closer to him and adjust the jacket. "It looks nice on you." He smiles and pecks my cheek.

"Thanks, guys," Juggy says to them.

"Will leave ya," The guy says. They start to walk off but one person stays. Lily.

"Hey Lily," I say.

"Did you reconsider?" She asks.

"I might now," I say. She nods and smiles at Jug.

"You treat her right," She says to him. He nods.

"Always," he says. She waves and walks off. As she disappears I smirk and grab the edge of the jacket. 

"As much as I love the jacket on you," I say, "I can't wait to get it off you." He smirks as I walk inside and toss off my shirt again. He walks in and shuts the door and peels off the jacket and his shirt. I jump back on the counter and he moves towards me. He places his hands on my waist and connects my lips to his. Resuming where we were. He pulls away.

"If anyone knocks now we are ignoring it," He says.

"Oh definitely," I say as he connects his lips to my neck. He sucks and bites a little as he moves along my neck. He pulls away and looks at me.

"Do you really want to do this?" He asks.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this," I say. He crashes his lips back into mine. He picks me up again and carries me back into the bedroom. He sits me down on the bed and pulls off his jeans then sits down beside me. He unhooks my jeans and pulls them off of me and pushes them onto the ground. He climbs on top of me and smashes his lips into mine again. Desire lingers between us. I run my fingers through his raven locks. He flips me over so I'm on top and I smirk. He reaches back and fumbles with my bra clasp. I reach over my shoulder and unhook it for him. I knew I wanted this. I wanted him. 


    I pull Jug's arm off of me. I pull on my underwear and his shirt. I move to the kitchen and open the fridge. There were a couple things. I check the expiration dates on the boxes. Most of it was good. I grab the things for french toast and spread it out on the counter. I quickly wash my heads and dry them off. I start mixing things when I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist. "Morning Juggie," I say.

"Morning Y/n," He says kissing my cheek. 

"So you stole my shirt?" He asks.

"Well, I couldn't find my bra and my shirt was out here so yeah," I say.

"It's fine," he says, "I like it on you."

"Good," I say, "I'm making french toast wanna help?"

"Why don't we just go to Pop's?" He asks.

"I wanted to make something," I say, "plus if we showed up in the same clothes as last night everyone would be super suspicious."

"Then let me help," He says. I move over and he turns on the stove and grabs a pan and sets it on it. 

"Here," I say placing the bread in the pan, "don't burn it." 

"I won't," He says, "so what did Lily mean when she asked you if you reconsidered?"

"She gave me my mom's jacket," I say, "they asked me if I wanted to be a serpent."

"And what did you say?" He asks. A hint of excitement in his voice.

"I told them no," I say, "that's what I was talking to your dad about on the night of the last show at the drive-in. But I like you with them. And I'll be by your side no matter what."

"Thanks, Y/n," He says, "I think you're the only one that's gonna feel that way about me as a serpent."

"I don't know about that," I say, "I feel like they will understand."

"Will they?" He asks.

"Hopefully," I say. I set down a plate and he sets the french toast on it. I a couple more pieces in the pan and he sighs.

"I love you Y/n," He says.

"I love you too Juggie," I say, "so Lily likes you."

"Yeah," he says.

"That's good," I say, "just don't do anything stupid to fuck it up."

"I won't," He chuckles.

"I'm holding you to that," I say. He moves the rest of the French toast to the plate. "Thank good enough for you?" 

"Two more," He says I hand him two more and I move the bowl to the sink. I rinse it out and clean it up. I grab a plate for myself and open the cabinets to look for syrup. I find the bottle and sit it on the table. He moves the rest of the food onto the plate and joins me.

"Already so domestic," I say to him.

"Just imagine how bad it will be if we get married," He says I roll my eyes and dig into my plate. "Hungry?" 

"Starving," I say. He laughs and then starts at his own plate. We finish eating with occasional side talk. "I should get dressed," I say.

"Or round 2?" He asks.

"Betty is probably worried sick about me," I say, "and Alice might kill me."

"Ugh fine," He says. I walk back into the bedroom. I spot my bra and pants and pull them on. I move back out to the kitchen and I pull on my undershirt and button up. "Do you want a ride?" Jug asks walking towards me fully dressed.

"Yeah," I say, "but I am also stealing your beanie." I pull the beanie over my hair covering most of the mess.  I wipe most of the makeup of my face with my sleeve and I pull on my socks and shoes. I hear a loud ringing.

"Mine or yours?" Jug asks.

"Yours," I say to him. He nods and looks around for his phone. 

"Hey Archie," He says, "Oh my god, okay yeah, we'll be there in a minute." He hangs up the phone sits down with sorrow in his eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"Fred was shot," 

Lucky// Jughead x Reader (book one in Lucky Series) Where stories live. Discover now