Chapter 42

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      "Miss L/n your late," The teacher says mildly annoyed. I roll my eyes and start to move and she stops me. "Explain yourself."

   "Some asshole did something shitty and I cleaned it up," I say, "service to the school."

 "I'm sure it could have waited," She says.

"So could this class but you don't hear me complaining," I say pushing past her to my seat, "now teach."

"Miss L/n I know that you are used to being the one in control but this is my class," She says I turn around to face her, "so act like everyone else and sit down and be quiet."

"Well let me fucking sit down and I can," I snap at her.

"Y/n," Betty whispers from beside me.

"Out of my class," She screams.

"Gladly," I say stomping out of the room. I slam the door behind me and head down the hall to the lounge. Why the hell did I do that? I should of bit my tongue and just ignored her. Like I always do.

"Y/n are you stupid!" Jug yells walking towards me.

"I'm sorry I snapped," I say to him, "everything is just fucking up and I can't handle it. The world is trying to take you away from me. Betty is being hurt because of this. I just I just can't."

"No no no," he says grabbing my shoulders. He lifts my chin up to meet his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. No one is trying to take me away. And Betty is strong she can handle this."

"No, she can't," I say, "she really can't handle this. She has this darker side that can't handle this. And I don't want her to do anything rash."

"She won't," He says, "she has amazing friends who are going to be here for her. Like you. Now you need to breathe and calm down. Don't get kicked out of any more classes okay?"

"Okay Juggie," I say to him.

"I'll meet you back here after class, I have to go back," He says.

"Alright see you then," I say.


I sat by my locker and saw Cheryl. "Hey, Cheryl!" I scream as I run towards her.

"Oh Y/n I just talked to Juggie I was hoping you would be there with him," She says.

"Can we talk?" I ask her.

"Yes, I need to talk to you too," She says. 

"Alright," I say, "I want to apologize to you for being such a bitch. You thought FP did it and you needed to be able to react. To grieve. I'm sorry I snapped."

"You were fine," She says, "I was in the wrong. That is what I was talking about to Jughead." 

"No Cheryl I was wrong," I say, "I snapped and I shouldn't of I am sorry."

"Like I said I was the one who was wrong," She says.

"Listen, Cheryl, I am sorry," I say, "and I really hope we both can put these bitchy attitudes and old grudges to the side and be friends."

"I would like that," She says I smile softly and nod. 

"Thanks, Cheryl," I say, "so what did you want to say?"

"To apologize for everything too," Chery says, "I am so sorry about everything I've done to you. I was being awful. So as payback, I want to give you this." She puts a small object in my hand. I look to see her red Cherry brooch. "I gave Jughead my spider one. To help with your troubles. You can pawn it if you want I won't mind I swear."

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