Little Tae

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This oneshot contains Taehyung in little space. Please continue reading.

Taehyung is really sensitive when he's into little space. When he is in his big space, once you shout at him or when you give him hurtful names or words it usually triggers him and causes him to slip into his little space.

The current situation. Jimin who is also in little space decided to tease little Taehyung. Taehyung was peacefully playing with his lion plushie in the living room. Jungkook was still in a deep slumber in the room he shared with Taehyung.

Jimin approached Taehyung and quickly reached for the toy and he successfully made it out of Taehyung's hold. Taehyung was shocked, he didn't see Jimin nor noticed his presence. Jimin ran upstairs still holding the toy. When he was about 15 meters away from Taehyung he teased the younger even more.

"Taetae, come here and chwase me. If yow want you toy~" Jimin said in a teasing tone

"Jimin pwease give it back" Taehyung said his eyes watery

"No no" Jimin said still teasing the younger

Taehyung being the sensitive boy he was, cried and called for his daddy.

"Daaaaaddyyyyyy" he screamed in the hallways getting the attention of the other members. But they didn't bother comforting Taehyung since they knew only Jungkook can make him calm down. No matter what they do.

Meanwhile at the bedroom

"Daddddyyyyy" Taehyung screamed

Jungkook who just got out of shower heard the scream and went out of the door fully dressed. He ran to Taehyung who was sprawled against the wall and was crying. His sobs could be heard even 5 meters away.

Jungkook literally ran to Taehyung because it pained him to see Taehyung crying. He immediately hugged the boy and started rubbing his back to comfort him. After a few minutes, Taehyung hugged back and hid his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook carried Taehyung to their shared room and laid him on the bed gently. Jungkook crawled in the bed with Taehyung. Taehyung blushed red and Jungkook knew why. He wants his 'milkies'. Taehyung shyly tugged on Jungkook's shirt

Jungkook removed his shirt and discarded it somewhere in the room. Jungkook reached for Tae's shoulder to move him upper so that he is now eye level with Jungkook's chest.

"C'mon baby, it's okay don't be shy" Jungkook said and Taehyung shyly reached for Jungkook's nipple and sucked on it to fully calm him down. He sucked on his nipple and finally he fell asleep.

For the both of them, it wasn't a sexual thing. It was Taehyung's comfort zone. Whenever he breaks down, Jungkook always comforts him. Taehyung liked this so much whenever Jungkook lets him have his milkies he feels special and loved.

Even when he's asleep he still sucks on it. And Jungkook adored how the other looked so adorable while sucking his nipple. Jungkook cradled him as he soon drifted also to dreamland.

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