Evan rolled her eyes at that last statement, knowing Katherine was just being kind but feeling better all the same. Not great, but better. She pulled away to stare back at her friend.

"Thank you Katherine, you're amazing. Speaking of being a babe, how's your love life going?" Evan asked with a smirk.

Katherine's face lit up with glee. "You remember me telling you about Darian, the boy from Durmstrang? Well he's old enough to enter in the tournament, so I plan on talking to him when he comes in today to put his name in, which all the Durmstrang boys are doing at once" she replied with a huge smile, looking like a young school girl. Though Katherine tends to date everyone, it seemed to Evan as if she really liked him, as she usually treated the guys she dated as more of a way to fill her time than anything else, but she was practically giddy at the idea of seeing him, which made Evan happy. Laughing at such a rare show of Katherine's girlyness, Evan felt significantly better than previously and knew she was going to be alright.

They continued laughing and talking about trivial girl things until a group of Durmstrang boys walked in, led by none other than Victor Krum. Katherine squealed beside her and she saw that her best friend was looking at one of the boys in the front of the group, though which one Evan couldn't quite make out. They both watched as everyone in the group threw their slip of paper into the goblet and each one was consumed by a blue fire. The group of boys turned to leave, but one stayed behind and was looking at Katherine as if star struck. He was taller and not as stocky as the other boys, though still muscular. He had messy dark hair and a crazy sharp jawline that even Evan was impressed. He walked over to where the two girls were sitting with a slight smirk on his face. Standing in front of Katherine, he held out his hand and grabbed Katherine's wrist lightly, pressing a soft kiss onto the top of her hand. Shocked, Evan looked to her friend's reaction to see that she had a slight tint of pink to her cheeks. The boy turned to Evan and introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Darian Andrev, I am assuming you are friends vith Katherine, it is a pleasure to meet you," he introduced himself to Evan, ever the gentleman.

"Ah it's nice to meet you Darian, I am Evan Clarke, one of Katherine's best friends! I am actually heading out but y'all should stay and chat," Evan said to him, wanting her friend to catch up without any distractions. She packed up the bag she was carrying and walked away, turning around only to wink at Katherine, who mouthed "thanks, I love you," before turning her attention back to Darian, who looked ready to catch up on missed time. Evan hurried out of the Great Hall and was planning on going back up to her room to try and catch up on missed sleep from last night when she saw Prince Charming (her cat) sitting and facing a huge scraggly black dog in one of the empty rooms not too far from her. Confused by such an odd sight and having nothing better to do, Evan decided to investigate, and walked down into the room and to the two animals.

Sitting down by the two animals, she greeted both cheerfully, wanting to meet the mysterious dog. Holding out her hand so the dog could sniff, she smiled her most dazzling smile, eager to win over the nervous pup. Charming, however, came and sat in her lap and began purring loudly. Encouraging the dog with a smile and an extended arm, the dog finally approached Evan, most cautiously too. She leaned closer to the canine, who had sat down, and began scratching both ears. It even appeared as if the dog began to smile, and scooted closer to her.

"Who's a good boy? You are so sweet! What's your name boy? You are so skinny, we need to get you some food," Evan said to the dog in her sing-song voice. Laughing at how excited the dog got at the mention of food, she didn't notice a presence entering the room until they were directly behind her. Looking behind to see who it was, her good mood vanished. Towering over her was Christopher. Though she actually hadn't seen or really thought about him since the first night back, all those unwanted feelings came flooding back and overwhelmed her. Setting Charming down next to the dog, she stood up in attempts to gain back some leverage, but being only 5'2 had it's disadvantages.

"What do you want Chris? I'm not in the mood to hear some lame apology, and less in the mood to fake through a conversation with you," she snapped, eager to leave his presence as soon as possible. Looking up at him, she hadn't noticed he had a horrible sneer plastered on his face and his skin was a sallow yellow color and his eyes were blood shot. Afraid, Evan began to back up away from the boy, but he just matched her steps and even gained ground, almost chest to chest with the boy. "What happened to you?" she asked quietly.

"Ever since you humiliated me in front of the whole school that first night, I've been thinking about how to repay you. You see, over the summer I happened upon some Dark Wizards who were trying to recruit me, but since I was determined to get you back, I refused. Seeing as you won't even attempt to even listen to me, I joined them, knowing there was no way I could get you back on my own. I will have you one way or another Evan," he said evilly. There was definitely something wrong.

Chris might be a terrible person, but he isn't sinister. The boy in front of her looked positively awful. She shrank back even further, scared of him and his undoubtedly malicious agenda. Unknowingly, she had backed herself up right into a corner, silently cursing herself at being such an easy target. As Chris came toe to toe with her, she looked around frantically for anyone to see her, but the only other living thing in the room was Charming, the dog seemed to have fled and the door was closed. Terrified, she searched her robes for her wand, but realized it was laying by Charming across the room, having had fallen out of her pocket when she sat down.

"I almost feel sorry I have to do this but you leave me no choice. Imperio!" he directed at Evan while raising his wand right up to her face. A wonderful sensation of emptiness and weightlessness came upon her, and Evan felt happy for no apparent reason. She noticed Chris standing in front of her looking odd, but thought nothing of it, too relaxed to care. However somewhere inside of her she felt something was off and wanted to breathe. Why can't I breathe? The part of me that needed independence fought. Fought more than it's ever had to fight, just like Moody taught us. Fight. Fight. Fight. Why couldn't I just fight. "just give in... apologize and ask for him to take you back... love him again..." a voice in the back of her head coerced her. Evan mustered every bit of strength GET OUT OF MY HEAD. Just like that, the weight of the world came crashing back down on Evan, but she welcomed it as an old friend, glad to be herself.

Comprehending her surroundings, she realized she was on the ground in the corner still recovering from the internal fight, with Chris still towering over her, but he had now had a murderous look in his eye. Terrified, Evan had no clue how to get out of there, she just needed time.

"Please.... please s-stop... p-please..." she stammered out, shaking hysterically, although from fear or aftermath of such a draining mental battle she wasn't sure. She looked up and hoped to find some of the boy she knew but only saw darkness. Hopeless, Evan felt a single tear roll down her face as Chris screamed a curse Evan had never heard before. White light stormed down on her.

She let out a bloodcurdling scream as her body was engulfed in pain. Pain. All consuming pain. Had she ever known anything but this feeling of being ripped apart? It felt as though thousands of knives were continually searing her flesh while simultaneously being breaking her apart. There are no other worlds for such feelings but pain. Was her body ripping itself apart? Hours it went on, or maybe seconds. Sure she would die from such pain, she wished for it to be over, whether that be death or otherwise She had no hope. She wasn't sure if she was screaming anymore as the blood was yelling in her ears, but her throat felt like it was being ripped out. Her body screamed out in pain. Death would be better than this never ending torment.

It felt like seconds, it felt like an eternity, but just as quickly as it started, it was over. Delirious and blinded from pain, Evan had no clue what was happening but still let out a sob of relief. Her body was shaking uncontrollably and she had no concept of anything, she realized she was still screaming. Hours later, the roaring in her ears dulled to a more manageable thud, and she heard voices talking, but she couldn't stop whimpering or shaking to be able to hear. But before she could make out any specific people or words, she was consumed by darkness, which she greeted eagerly.


Ok I'm so the worst but I think this was a actually more perfect and suspenseful way to end the chapter, but the next one will be here shortly. It will probably end up being in Evan's POV again just so I can fully develop some of the stuff that happened in this chapter yanno? This was really hard to write just because how horrible it all was, but I think all the characters will be better because of it. Thoughts?

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now