Chapter 4

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This Chapter is dedicated to @Truthbetold1315 :) thanks for always voting and commenting! go check out their story it's really good!


Sam turns on the car. Once Alexa is in and Callen closes the door, Sam turns to Callen.

"You have something to tell me PARTNER?" He questions.

"No?" Callen says confused. Alexa taps him on the shoulder.

"I think he knows." She says.

"Oh he knows." Sam replies. "What do I know?"

"Me and Alexa are dating." Callen says slowly.

"Really? How long?" Sam replies.

"Yeah." Callen says.

"About 3 months." Alexa says leaning through the middle of the car.

"What?!" Sam exclaims. Alexa and Callen laugh. "How did I not know this? Does Deeks know?"

"Because she only came around when she was in town and no he doesn't. I don't think he should." Callen explains.

"Yea, Marty can be a little over protective so If you don't mind?" Alexa added.

"Don't worry I got you. Now that I know we could go on double dates. Michelle will be so happy." Sam happily states.

"Oh brother." Callen says face palming himself.

Sam laughs and starts driving.




"When did you find out it was missing?" Kensi asked.

"About two days ago." A man replied.

"Where did you lose it?" Deeks asked.

"When it was flying over Russia." The man replied fidgeting a bit.

"Russia? Sgt. Morgan, why was the drone over Russia? Maybe Russian air took it down?" Deeks said.

"Impossible, we would've been alerted. And we don't fly it where they see us." Morgan replied.

"So how did you lose it exactly? It was in the air." Kensi questioned.

"Someone hacked the system. It had to be an inside job. No one else knew about the drone." Morgan answered.

"Do you think Peyton could be in on it?" Kensi asked.

"I don't know. He seemed like a good guy, but not everyone is what try seem nowadays." Morgan countered.

"Tell me about it." Kensi nodded.

"Well thanks for your time sir." Deeks said standing up. Kensi and Morgan stood up. Morgan shook their hands.

"My pleasure. Just find the drone before anyone figures this out." Morgan said as they walked to the door. They nodded and left.

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