"so when are you going to tell him?" I asked

"Tell who what?" His voice was obviously shaking.

"I thought you might say that, I was thinking of calling it skylox fight but it is a bit of a boring name, what do you think?" Youtube had fully loaded now and I showed Adam so he knew I was serious.

He suddenly looked ill.

"Tell him" I basically demanded.

"this is blackmail." he whispered as i felt a hand upon my shoulder. it was Jerome.

"Hey Jordan can I talk to you outside for a second?" He asked quietly not wanting to draw attention to us.

I got up to leave but not before mouthing the words Tell him back at Adam.

"Hey, don't tell anyone about it, okay?" he was shaking.

for a second I felt bad. Adam had never done anything wrong, yet here I am holding his own love against him. I felt like a terrible person.

but then again I was doing them both a favour, if Adam told Ty and he liked him back and Skylox became a thing then that would be awesome!

But I think the main reason I did it was because then at least he would have a chance. he will have told Ty. something I could never do with Mitch.

then as if his words were far away Adam said "Or I'll tell everyone about you." before I could stop it my face went pale. if he was bluffing before he knew the truth now.

I let Jerome lead me outside letting the chilly morning air brush my face and try to clear my head.

"Listen I need your advice." Jerome stated.

"On what" It wasn't natural for Jerome to seek me out when it comes to advise, he dragged his hands through his slowly growing hair and looked down. tears pricked in the corner of his eyes. When I thought about it, Jerome had been distracted a lot lately, letting his hair grow out, shaving less and less and even though he looked alright today, something was still off. "what is it buddy"

all in one deep breath he said "ithinkiminlovewithjason" upon hearing that I almost laughed but held it in and looked down at my desperate friend seeking advice but also on the brink of tears. I did the only thing I could think of.

I grabbed Jerome by the arm and pulled him into a hug.

there was nothing intimate about it, but I knew that he needed it.

when we pulled away my shirt was almost soaked and Jerome's face was stained by tears.

"there is nothing wrong with that." I reassure him.

His face scrunched up determined "I know but I feel like a freak, i like guys not girls and Jason of all people! I just.......... I tried not to but i just......"

I knew exactly how he felt. "It's okay buddy," I tool a deep breath knowing I have to tell him, I could trust Jerome "I-I think I like Mitch"

His eyes lit up and he grinned at me "really?" he asked less of a disbelieving tone and more as if he just didn't hear me right.

I nodded.

Suddenly a heard a loud shattering sound coming from the house, Jerome shielded his head away from the noise, whereas I managed to trip over completely to land on my back with an agonizing thump!

I looked up and almost fainted.

A girl stood by the shattered door, she was hardly visible and if i were not concentrating on her she would be completely transparent but quick as a flash she was gone.

"dude!" Adam appeared at the doorway first "what the heck!" still on the floor attempting to gather my brain into a fully functional organ again Adam waves his hand in front of my face then extended a hand out to help me up, Jerome was already inside trying to find a brush "what the hell just happened?"

Without giving him an answer I started towards the empty door frame.

I get there just as Mitch stumbles through, clumsily as ever and trips over a jagged piece of glass falling face fist to the floor.

that is before I manage to grab his arm and hold him hovering above the ground helplessly.

"woah tanks dood!" He laughed. I pulled him up to my chest, protecting him from being lowered on to more jagged pieces. I could smell his hair, his sent was amazing I almost closed my eyes to breath it in but I have SOME self control.

"No problem" I finally, regretfully let him go trying to keep my voice level.

I looked up to see Adam staring at me, his mouth open.

I quickly took myself inside to find Jerome also watching me, smiling sadly, knowingly. I smiled back glancing quickly at Jason who was sat on the counter swinging his legs watching as Adam brought in some shredded glass from outside.

We decided to clean it all up quickly before the other guys stepped on some.

as I bent down to pick a large piece i felt a shift in front of me and looked up to see the girl starring worriedly back at me.

no one else seemed to know she was there but she looked very real to me, no way she could be a hallucination.

even so I didn't mention her, I did not want to look crazy.

we spent an hour clearing up, to her credit, she translucent girl helped out quite a bit. I watched her as she walked towards the bins right into Adam's path.

"Hey Adam, could you, errrmmm pass me that thing?" I pointed recklessly towards the side table which was covered in random objects, the girl hurriedly, taking her chance hopped towards the bin and dropped the glass inside. Precariously the lid opened and closed, the sound making Adam twitch into that direction but not enough to make him investigate but just enough to let me know that he saw it too.

"what? this?" he asked grabbing a notepad off of the side.

"nah never mind" I turned and almost jumped out of my skin to see the girl sitting on a chair close by giving me a gentle nod to which I took as a thank you.

Maybe I was crazy but it was nice to know that there was something only i knew or could see.


lets do this people time to ship it up

im too excited for this

what is your OTP's?????


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