Prom (Part 3)

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Prom (Part 3)

One Shot #24 (Cont.)

Vision's POV

A week and a half later... Prom Day...

  I'm so incredibly excited and nervous for tonight. Most of us are only staying in school for a half day, getting dismissed at ten thirty to go home, run errands, etc in order to get ready for prom. Wanda and I refuse to see each other while getting ready for prom because we want to be truly surprised by how the other looks. I bet she's going to look just beautiful. She's wearing a dark blue dress so my attire will match hers quite nicely. I was hoping she wouldn't choose a color like pink. Colors like pink don't flatter me very well. Blue happens to be one of my favorite colors so the girl clearly has good taste. The thought that's been looming on my mind is whether or not Wanda and I are officially going to be a couple. I really would hope to be in due time. I honestly think that we need to get to know each other a little bit more, but we can definitely work towards being just that. I just know it.

  That afternoon...

    Bruce and Clint are going to prom solo just to hang out with me. They're honestly such good friends and good sports. I'd be super bummed if I didn't score a date to prom. I'm currently getting Wanda's corsage is ready. It smells really good and really is just lovely. I really hope she likes it. Gah I'm so self conscious of myself. No wonder why everyone is so easily annoyed by me. I'm a mess... and not the hot kind.

That evening...

   I just got my license last month but I have to share my car with my dad for the time being. I drive to Wanda's house, sit in the car for a moment, take a deep breath, and head towards the front door. I have the corsage in tow while I anxiously wait for the door to be answered. A moment later, it's answered by Wanda's mother. She greets me warmly. "Hello there! You must be Vincent. It's so nice to meet you. Wanda has told me all about you. You seem to be a nice young man. Oh where are my manners, come inside. I'm obviously Wanda's mother Kathy. Her brother Pietro goes to a different school and is out with Wanda and his father for some manly bonding time." I chuckle and extend my hand for her to shake, which she gladly does. "It's nice to meet you too." She smiles at me. "Wanda is almost ready. Feel free to sit down in the living room until she is." I nod and make a beeline for the plush couch in the living room.

   A few minutes later, I heard gasping coming from the foyer. I immediately get up and head to the foyer to see what the gasping is all about. When I get there, I'm truly speechless. Wanda looks so beautiful. Her gown is stunning. She's going to be the belle to sort of speak. Her dress is so elegant. She'll definitely put the other girls to shame. I can feel my heart racing a mile a minute. Her beauty is too much for my heart to handle. She adorably tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hey Viz, you look so handsome." I blush and smile shyly at her. "You look so beautiful Wanda. I mean you always look beautiful, but right now, wow, just wow." Her mother squeals and takes a ton of pictures on her digital camera, Wanda's phone, and my phone. That's really nice of her to be honest because I want to be able to have memories of this hopefully magical night myself. I also want to post some pictures on social media as well."

   Wanda and I pose for a few more pictures before I help her into my car, heading to school. The prom is being held in the gym. I personally was hoping that it would be hosted in a slightly fancier venue, but better in the gym than nowhere at all. We get there pretty quickly and meet all of our friends by the doors. Everyone introduces themselves to one another and we head inside as one big, merry group. Her friends and mine try to seek the other out to get a feel for the kind of people they are. We present our tickets in the process and pick out a table that will fit all of us. We find a nice one in the corner, not on top of everyone. I'm not antisocial, but I definitely like having a bit of space.

  A little while later...

  Wanda and I dance the night away after our delicious meal and dessert. As we do so, I notice Wanda practically staring into my soul. "Viz, what are we?" I furrow my brow. "To be honest, I don't know. What do you want us to be?" She blushes adorably and bites her lip. "I want us to be a couple, I want to be your girlfriend." I look at her in shock. "Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you into it just because I confessed that I've had feelings for you for years." She nods. "I'm sure. Why wait any longer? I don't want to waste anymore time. As for the lost time, we'll make up for it." I smile. "I'm on board with that. By the way, I want us to be a couple too. I would love nothing more than to be your boyfriend and for you to be my girlfriend." With that being said, Wanda and I officially become a couple, though we plan to wait a little while to have our first kiss. That way when the time comes for our first kiss, it will truly be magical rather than rushed. This is not only the best day ever, but also an amazing prom. I will cherish this day forever. 

Hoped that you guys like this one shot as well as this one shot series! I did 24 one shots in this series, which is quite a bit considering many of them were multi parts. My main focus is going to be my original story revolving around a biromantic asexual character. I hope you guys will read my next original story. I'm hoping to get it published when it's complete. :) -Mary 

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