Misguided (Part 3)

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Misguided (Part 3)

One Shot #12 (Cont.)

Wanda's POV

  It's official, I'm no longer an Avenger. I'm most likely a wanted criminal at this point, but to be honest, I'm not so sure that I care. I was a wanted criminal before I was recruited to join the Avengers. I technically was only a real Avenger for a few months and even during those few months that I was a real Avenger, I hardly got the chance to showcase my abilities. Natasha Romanoff constantly pushed me aside because she wanted to continue to be known as the only savage female Avenger. The girl's got skills I'll give her that, but her ego has grown quite large since she first joined the Avengers a few years ago. I hope she gets reality check on that will successfully bring her back down to Earth.

   Anyways, Vision and I are basically flying to who knows where at this point. Since my flying abilities aren't as up to par as his are, he's been carrying me whenever I get tired and need a break. "Vision, we really need to find a safe house of sorts to lay low for a little while. Where should we head to?" He sighs. "You're right Wanda, we really need to decide where to head to." We take a moment to think about it before we say "Provo,Utah" in unison. I smirk at him. "Great minds think alike." He smirks back. "Indeed they do. Listen Wanda, there's something I need to tell you." The way Vision's looking at me is so intense that it's causing my heart to race, something it's only just started to do around him. "Wanda, I'm attracted to you." I look at him in shock. "W-What did you just say?" Vision crosses his arms across his chest. "I know you heard me and by the look on your face, I can tell that the feeling is mutual."

   I mock his actions and roll my eyes. "I didn't know they made human like androids so cocky these days. If I had known you were this cocky, I would left you in your cell back at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters." Vision moves closer to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind and putting his head on my shoulder. "No you wouldn't have Wanda. I had you from the moment we met." I stay silent, not wanting to give him that satisfaction of knowing that I do indeed have a crush on him. Vision frowns at the silent treatment I'm giving him. "Wanda, I know I've been a pain the ass, but please listen to me." I sigh and look at him. "What Vision? Clearly this is all some game to you. I sacrificed everything just to set you free and this is how you repay me. Gee thanks." Vision completely closes the distance between us. "Wanda, I'm truly sorry for being such a jerk. Most of the time I'm joking around, but a lot of my jokes then to lack logic."

   He takes a shaky breath. "Wanda, not to sound like a jerk once more, but although I'm a type of android, I also have human parts like you... minus the private ones. I even have heart that beats... for you." My facial expression softens at that. "I've always known you had human qualities Vision, that's part of what drew me to you." Vision smiles at me, a sincere one for a change. "Now Vision, that's my favorite smile of yours. As sexy as you look when you smirk, I like it when you some me who you really are every now and then." Vision nods while gently cupping my face, bringing it to his, crashing his baby smooth lips onto mine. Our mouth work in sync, finding a steamy rhythm in this passionate yet loving kiss. When we pull apart, both of us are absolutely breathless, but in the best possible way. Another smirk forms on Vision's face. "Vision, I like you, but if you constantly smirk at me like that, I'll end up slapping your future smirks off of your face." 

   Vision pretends to be offended. "Why Wanda Maximoff, I am truly offended. You have wounded my heart and shattered my soul." I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him. "Why you're a sassy girl. Maybe I need to teach you some manners." I glare at him. "I swear if you try to recreate an erotic scene from Fifty Shades of Gray, you're screwed... and not literally." He puts his hands up in surrender. "Wanda, relax. I'm joking. I'm not into erotica. Besides, I don't have the parts to participate in that." I breathe a sigh of relief. "Well I'm glad to hear that." He rolls his eyes. I'm afraid that given how much the two of us roll our eyes, we might become zombies somehow. It's probably just my paranoia talking though. I pull Vision in for a hug midflight. He wraps his arms around me tightly, almost as if he's afraid to let go of me. "I adore you Wanda." I smile and hug him tighter. "And I adore you Vision." 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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