Coming Out

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Coming Out

One Shot #21

Wanda's POV

 Vision and I have been having a nice chill date, lounging around watching movies and eating really good food all day. All of the sudden, he's become rather nervous. His hands and legs are fidgeting a lot. He seems to be keeping something from me and I intend to find out what that something is. "Viz, what's wrong? You look really nervous." He laughs nervously. "That's because I am." I raise an eyebrow. "How come?" He sighs. "I want to tell you, but I'm afraid you're going to judge me for it." "Viz, I'd never judge you for anything. Tell me." Viz looks at me nervously. "I know you've been expecting me... to please you in the way that most lovers do to their significant others. I obviously don't have the parts to have sex, but I also lack the interest and attraction to do so." I look at him in confusion. "Are you not attracted to me anymore?" 

   He shakes his head no repeatedly. "No Wanda, it's not like that. I love you so much. I'm attracted to you so deeply... just not sexually. It's not just you, it's anyone. I love you with all of my heart. You know that right?" I nod while still confused. "I know you do Viz. I love you too. I'm just confused as to what you're trying to say." "Wanda, I'm trying to say that I'm Asexual." "What's Asexual?" Vision looks at me seriously. "It's an orientation just like anything else. People in this rare but present orientation lack interest and/or sexual attraction towards others. Some still have romantic feelings for others like I do with you, but some don't even experience that. Some just simply want platonic relationships with peers. It literally varies from person to person." I look at him in awe. "You're so smart Viz. Seriously though, I accept you for who you are. You don't have to be ashamed of being Asexual."

   "Wanda, you're really okay with experiencing a lifetime with me... without sex in it?" I smile. "Yes I am. I love you Viz. Your love is all I need." Viz flashes me a toothy grin. "Thank you for accepting me for me." I smile back at him. "You're very welcome Viz. While we're on the subject of acceptance, I need to confess something to you as well." He leans forward, nodding for me to proceed. "Viz, you know that I like guys right?" He chuckles. "Of course I do." I begin to fidget myself and he looks at me with concern. "Is there more to it?" I nod. "I also like girls... I'm Bi." He looks at me with surprise but quickly recovers from it. "That's okay Wanda. I accept you for who you are as well. If you're Bi, that's okay with me. I would never want you to change yourself for anyone, especially me." A tear slips down my cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb. "Wanda, please don't cry. It saddens me when you do so." 

    I lean my forehead against his and close my eyes. A moment later, Viz does the same. We then press them closer together, sealing the distance with a kiss. "Viz, you're the best." He kisses me on the forehead. "That's all you Wanda. Say I know exactly what would lift your spirits." "What?" He smiles. "Pizza." I light up instantly. "Are you treating?" He grins. "Absolutely. Should we a half and half?" I nod. "Half pepperoni for me and half of whatever kind you want." "I'll order us an extra large half pepperoni and half hamburger pizza." "Sounds good Viz." He goes off to order the pizza and comes right back. "It'll be here in twenty minutes." 

Twenty minutes later...

  Vision and I are eating our wonderful half pepperoni and half hamburger pizza. I made us both hot teas to go with our pizza. "Thank you for ordering us a pizza Viz, it was really nice of you." He smiles back. "Thank you for eating the pizza with me. I couldn't finish it all by myself." I giggle. "Neither could I. It's always nice to have company while I eat too. I hate eating alone. I feel self conscious when I do." He nods in agreement. Both of us are truly at peace right now. Both of us came out and we both are relieved for having done so. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I most likely won't be updating tomorrow so I wanted to get an update in tonight for you guys! Merry Christmas everyone! :) -Mary 

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