Wakanda (Part 3)

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Wakanda (Part 3)

One Shot #22 (Cont.)

Vision's POV

Time Skip... A few days later...

   Tony Stark has just arrived at our base and everyone is on edge. Tony and Steve are still butting heads while the rest of us are trying to keep to ourselves because we don't want to get involved in their drama. Natasha, Wanda, and I simply go off to train to keep ourselves occupied for awhile, though none of us find ourselves able to speak. This war looming over us is looking grim. Thanos is going to begin showing us his wrath any day now. I'm also very upset. I can fight, but nowhere near as much as I normally can all due to the stone in my head. Thanos needs six stones to completely power his gauntlet, as luck would have it, the Infinity Stone in my head happens to be one of those six stones.  

   I can feel Wanda staring into my soul so I take a deep breath and turn around to face her. Natasha then stares at us. "I can leave if you two need some privacy." I put a hand up to stop her. "You're fine Natasha. Keep doing what you're doing." She nods and continues training while Wanda and I go off to the side. "Wanda, what's wrong?" She looks at me nervously. "I'm worried about you Viz. I don't even know if you fighting in this war is a good idea whatsoever. We need you, but we can't lose you either." I take Wanda's hands in mine and hold them over my heart. "I love you Wanda. Please trust me when I say that I will fight, but will be careful about how I do so. I won't fight Thanos or his evil minions of sorts alone. I'm make sure someone is guarding me at all times. Okay?" Wanda sighs and hugs me. "Okay." We let the moment linger for a moment longer and train for a little while more, until Steve and Tony call us into a meeting. 

    Natasha, Wanda, and I follow them down a few corridors before entering the meeting room. We all sit down and prepare ourselves for what we're about to face in this meeting. Steve is the first one to speak. "Tony and I have worked out our differences despite all of the bickering. We still don't see eye to eye on everything, but we're working on it. For now, we're putting all of our differences aside because we need to work together to defeat Thanos and his allies. I'll let Tony speak now." We nod in agreement and listen to Tony. "Thank you Steve. As you know all know, Thanos is approaching our world and fast. He has quite a few allies, one of them potentially being Loki. Now Thor and Loki were together not too long ago when Asgard was destroyed, but it's rumored that Loki fled with the Tesseract, which he could use to bargain with Thanos. All of our Avengers are currently scattered, but we will reunite when the time is right." 

   I put my hand up to ask a question. Tony smirks at me. "Nice to see you again Vision. What's your question?" I smirk at him back. "Did you actually manage to pull in the famous Guardians of the Galaxy to help us?" "I did as a matter of fact. I spent two hours convincing Peter Quill to fly his ship straight to New York. He'll be there within the next few days. I have to head back there tomorrow myself to greet them and run through some strategies with them as well." The girls then ask him a few questions, which he answers with complete ease. All of us are satisfied with how this meeting is going. We've figured out quite a bit and learned who our new allies are in addition to the backgrounds on most of Thano's allies. After several hours more of talking, Steve orders us some pizza to eat so we can unwind a bit before calling it a night. 

   Before Wanda goes off to bed, I pull her aside once more so we can chat privately for a few minutes. "Wanda, are you feeling any better?" "Surprisingly I am. Everything Steve and Tony covered us on in the meeting was quite beneficial and put my mind at ease. I feel comfortable now knowing that Tony has detailed fighting strategies planned out for you, that way you can fight but be undercover at the same time." I nod in agreement and give her a gentle pick on the lips, which she thankfully returns. "Are you going to sleep Viz?" I chuckle. "You know me love. I don't require as much sleep as you do, though I would advise you to get ready for bed." She bites her lip adorably. "I will... if you cuddle with me for the night." I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and a smile fighting it's way onto my face. "I would love too Wanda." So we do exactly that, all night long.

Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! My birthday starts in a little over an hour. I'm going to be 19 guys! :D -Mary 

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