The New Kids On The Block (Part 4)

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Thew New Kids On The Block (Part 4)

One Shot #10 (Cont.)

Wanda's POV

 I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face. I'm officially an Avenger now. I get to fight side by side by Earth's mightiest heroes alongside Vision, who I'm kind of sort of... totally am falling love with him. I know that I probably shouldn't have these kind of feelings towards him, but I do. I'm not a good liar, despite having some powers of manipulation. Between Natasha and I, she's easily the better liar in certain situations by a long shot. I'm not lying to anyone about anything though, I'm simply keeping my blossoming feelings towards Vision a secret for the time being. The last thing I want is for gossipy rumors to spread around and/or to scare Vision off. Vision is so pure and radiant, the complete opposite of me. Darkness runs through my very core. I would hate for even a trace of my darkness to rub off on Vision. He doesn't even know half of the horrible things I've done in my past. Some of the things that I've done in the past are even worse than what the Red Room made Natasha do. 

  Anyways, I'm currently in a training session with Natasha who seems to be a bit distracted today. This is strange... Natasha is almost never distracted. She's practically made of steel, very little actually bothers her. Whatever's on her mind has to be pretty serious. I want to know if she's okay. "Nat, are you okay?" She snaps out of her daze and meets my eyes. "I'm fine Wanda. Why do you ask?" I cock my head to the side in confusion. "You seem to be distracted though. I'm the queen of having things on my head so I know when someone's dealing with the same thing. What's on your mind Nat?" She sighs. "I would tell you Wanda, but it's really silly." I chuckle at response. "It can't possibly be any sillier than what's on my mind. Now spill girl." Nat rolls her eyes but her resolve begins to fade, exposing her more raw emotions.  

  "Wanda... I'm in love with someone." I look at her with a bit of surprise. "Wow, I honestly didn't see that one coming." I cringe slightly realizing that my choice of words almost mirror my brother's last words before he died. "Wanda, I'm being serious here. I've never been in love before and it scares me. I'm not the kind of person who is worthy of being in love. The guy that I love understands how to cope with the darkness inside of him, but yet he radiates much more positivity than I do. What should I do?" Natasha gives me a pleading look. "Should I run with this or run from it?" I take a moment to think about her question carefully. "Nat, I know how you feel. I'm in the same boat myself. I'm also in love with a man who is way too good for me and am scared to tell him how I feel. May I ask if this man that you love is on the team?" She hesitantly nods. "He is. Is yours?" I hesitant nod back, echoing her response. 

   Natasha bursts into laughter, causing me to do the same. "Well Wanda, we're both screwed. Aren't we?" I clutch my stomach while continuing to laugh. "Yes, we certainly are." We practically die of laughter for a few minutes more before channeling our energy into some more training. 

Two hours later... 

 Natasha and I decide to call it quits for the day and go grab a bite to eat together, just the two of us. Since we both are feeling a little bit off about the same thing, we decide that it'd be good to talk about it over some good food. "Nat, what are you craving? For me personally, I'd love some soup and maybe a salad." Nat smiles at me. "That actually sounds really good. Have you ever been to Panera Bread before?" I stupidly shake my head no. "Wanda, you'll love it. They have all kinds of soups, salads, sandwiches, pastries, drinks, etc." I smile. "It sounds like my kind of place already. Let's go!" Nat holds up a hand to stop me. "Wait Wanda, we need to disguise ourselves quickly." We both put our hair up, dark glasses on, and scarves to block as much of our faces as possible.  We look in the mirror, give each other nods of approval, and begin the venture to Panera Bread, which thankfully is only three blocks away from Stark Tower. We get a few looks from people but none of them get close to us. Success! 

  When we step inside Panera Bread, it's like a whole another world to me. When I picture a good cafe, I picture it just like this. People from all walks of life sitting in the same place relishing in good food and drinks while doing all sorts of things like talking to their friends, checking emails, listening to music, etc. Not to mention everything here smells so good. My nostrils are sense heaven at this point. Nat totally notices me geeking out and shakes her head at me. "Kid, you're a piece of work." I roll my eyes at her playfully. "First of all, I'm twenty four, therefore I'm not a kid anymore. Second of all, I know I'm piece of work. I get told that by somebody at least once a day. Heck, it'd be strange if I did endure a day without being told that I'm a piece of work." Nat simply smirks at me while the two of us decide what our orders will be. It takes us five minutes to come to a decision. Nat orders herself a large Spicy Thai Chicken Salad with a bag of chips while I order some chicken noodle soup and a side greek salad. In addition, we both get hot teas to drink. We're going to wait on ordering pastries in case we change our minds about wanting them. 

  Fifteen minutes later... 

   Our orders are ready and get up to get them. We grab the necessities we need like salt, pepper, napkins, and stirrers to take them back to the table. We alternate between eating our food and talking about our love lives. "Wanda, on the count of three, I want us to say who we're in love with. One... two... three." I blurt out Vision while Natasha blurts out Bruce. We both look at each in shock. "You love Bruce?", I ask. She nods with a small smile on her face. "You love Vision?" I nod with that same small smile on my face. Nat then smirks at me. "We have interesting tastes in men." I giggle. "We sure do."  

    It feels so good to talk about this with someone else, especially someone who's a female and understands exactly what I'm dealing. Both of us plan on keeping our feelings hidden for awhile, though we might try and subtly drop a few hints here and there to test the waters. You better wish us both luck because we're certainly going to need it. 

Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary 

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