Unsteady (Part 3)

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Unsteady (Part 3)

One Shot #16 (Cont.)

Vision's POV

 Time Skip... Two days later...

  Wanda and I are about to go our first real date and I decided on doing a library and cafe date. It's a good and fitting venue for the both of us seeing that we both enjoy reading a lot. It's a quiet book store and cafe just two miles away. All Wanda and I have to do is hop in a taxi and we'll be there within a few minutes. I'm really excited. This is going to be a really nice date. I'm quite excited. Wanda and I will be leaving shortly. I have yet to see her today. My heart yearns to see her and have a wonderful first date. I'm a bumbling fool whenever I'm around her. I really hope I don't anything embarrassing and/or mess it up. 

Ten minutes later...

  Wanda comes into the common room wearing a lovely ensemble that makes her look stunning. She's also wearing light makeup. My Wanda, I'm so incredibly blessed. I make my way over to her and kiss her hand, causing her to blush adorably. "Wanda Maximoff, you look so beautiful." She smiles and blushes even more. "Thank you Viz. You look really handsome. I've never seen you in an outfit like the one you're wearing now. That style suits you." I smile. "Thank you Wanda." I extend an arm out for her to take and she does. We then hail a taxi to the library. We get there in ten minutes and tip the cab driver five dollars. Wanda grins at me. "You chose well Viz." I bow playfully. "I think so too. I love to read just as much as you do. Therefore, both of us will get a lot out of this date." 

   For the next few hours, Wanda and I down three hot teas each while reading a lovely mystery book together. Our hands navigate the slightly worn but in tact pages steadily, our excitement rising at we turn to the next page of the book. "Wanda, I'm having a wonderful time. Are you?" She leans forward and pecks me on the lips gently. "I'm having an amazing time Viz. You and I are both always so busy being heroes that we hardly ever get to do normal things such as going out on dates. For all we know, this could be our only date for months. We have to cherish every moment of it." I nod in agreement and sigh. "I wish you and I could take some time off, but duty calls. We have a major mission coming up soon, though Fury as yet to give us the details." She rolls her eyes. "I respect Fury as a director because he is good at what he does, but as a person, he could use some improvement." I chuckle. "I absolutely agree on both counts." "Viz, weren't a bit surprised how easily he accepted us being together? He's usually quite strict when it comes to an Avenger dating another Avenger."

  I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. "To be honest, I was a little bit suspicious at first, but I got over it." She nods in agreement. We end up finishing the book an hour later and decide to get Chinese food right by the library before heading back to Stark Tower. I can't taste food too much, but I eat for Wanda's sake. Seeing me eat motivates her to eat as well. She hasn't eaten much in two days. Now though, she's ordered a huge chicken and rice platter, which makes me happy. This is the most I've seen her eat in weeks. I on the other hand order some rice and soup. Our food is ready quickly and we dig right in. Wanda manages to finish before I'm even halfway done, which causes me to chuckle. "It's good to see that your appetite's back Wanda. I was worried it might not come back." Her smile shifts into a frown, her eyes becoming rather serious. 

  "Vision, I am so truly sorry for worrying you and the rest of the Avengers so much the past few weeks. I've been wallowing in my grief over my brother and I need to snap out of it. You are the one person who makes all of my pain go away, even just for a little while. Do you know what that means Viz?" I shake my head no. "It means that you are so incredibly special." I look at her with warmth. "Wanda, I love you so much. I forgive you. I'm just glad that you're coming around. That's all that matters to me." She moves closer to me and pulls me in for a hug, which I gladly return. "I love you too Viz." We let the moment linger for a few minutes more before pulling apart and taking a taxi back to Stark Tower, ending the most perfect first date ever. Cheers to many more with my special girl!

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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