Misguided (Part 1)

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Misguided (Part 1)

One Shot #12

Wanda's POV

 Vision's been alive for a few months now, reeking extreme havoc towards the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, the Avengers, and even some innocent civilians. He's not evil, but he's not in control of himself, which is why many view him as evil. I know he's not evil but rather misguided. That's how I'd describe Loki too, though Loki isn't the issue right now, Vision is. I honestly really want to sit down one on one and talk to him. He intrigues me because he isn't of this world. I know that he's currently in a glass chamber similar to the one Loki was kept in a couple of times. A couple of agents who's names I forget are currently guarding him. I think I can manage to sweet talk them into letting me pay Vision a visit. If they object, I can always use my powers to sway them.  I do a quick scan of the floor before taking the elevator down to where Vision's being held. 

    The elevator dings before I know it, indicating that I'm in the basement. I get off the elevator and casually make my way to where Vision is being held. The agents notice me coming and block my way. I tilt my head in confusion. "Why are you guys blocking my path? I'm an Avenger." The female agent, who's name is Sally, glares at me slightly. "I know you are, but no one is allowed near Vision without Director Fury's consent." I put a sweet smile. "Well it just so happens that Director Fury has sent me down here to pay a visit to Vision. Now if you would excuse me, I'd like to follow his orders." She mutters something under her breath before her and her fellow agent pal move aside, letting me walk right into Vision's chambers, which is really a cell but oh well. He looks up at me with surprise. "Why if it isn't the Scarlet Witch herself? What brings you to my humble abode?" His voice is dripping with sarcasm but I try not to mock him because I want to learn more about him. 

   "Yes that's me, the girl who's an Avenger yet everyone hates." He chuckles at that. "Then that makes you a lot like me doesn't it. Though why are you an Avenger and I'm not?" "Well I hate to play the I'm human and not a strange creature card... but I'm a human and not a strange creature." He rolls his eyes. "Figures you'd say something like that. Anyways, you didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" I frown a bit. "I feel bad that you've been stuck in here for months. I do think you're unstable, but I don't see you as a real threat." His sarcastic exterior begins to soften a bit. "Really?" I nod. "Really. I may not know much about you other than you used to be J.A.R.V.I.S. and basically Tony Stark's servant, but I'm going to try my best to help you. You know my powers are made from the same source as your mind stone. I just recently started to control my powers. Maybe I could help you do the same." Vision nods. "That would be nice. Thank you Scarlet Witch." I roll my eyes. "That's my supposed hero name, but it's not my real name." He smirks. "I know, Wanda Maximoff." 

   I gasp. "How do you know my real name?" He moves closer to me, leaning against the bars in this super sexy way, his face just inches from mine. Damn Wanda, get your mind out of the gutter. You shouldn't even be offering to help someone who the Avengers see as a threat, despite you not feeling the same, let alone thinking that he's sexy. "Wanda, I'll admit that I don't know everything about you, but I do more than you think I do. I also know more about the rest of the Avengers than I care to admit. Anyways, I know you have better things to do so I'll let you get back to doing whatever you were doing before you came down to this hell hole." I start to turn to go but my feet won't allow me to move. Vision is looking at me with confusion and I mirror his look of confusion with one of my own. "Wanda, is there a part of you that doesn't want to leave my side?" I huff and cross my arms across my chest. "No, I just forgot to ask you a few questions. I need to report back to Fury or else he'll bitch at me." 

   Vision pulls up a chair right in front of me with a smirk on his face. "Ask away princess." I blush slightly. I know he was being sarcastic, but a small part of me is giddy about him calling me such a name. I ask him several questions including the intensity of his powers, how his mind stone was created, his views on each individual Avenger, and how he feels to be stuck in his position. He takes me by surprise and answers all of my questions honestly. When he's answered the last one, I can tell that he's tired. "Sorry for all of the questions Vision. Like I said, I just needed some information to report back to Director Fury. Since you cooperated, maybe he'll allow you to be set free sooner." He simply nods at that. "That would be nice." I smile nervously. "Bye Vision." He simply waves me off with one hand. I take that as my cue to leave. As I head back up the elevator, I'm face to face with some pissed off Avengers as soon as I step off. Shit...

Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary 

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