The male lawyer of that fuck nigga walked up with a smirk on his face.

"Hi Malay," he grinned hard at her.

"Are you really trying flirt with me, in a court room, in front of my man, when your representing a man who raped me. A reallll lady catcher." She said sarcastically. She earn a few laughs.

"That's my baybehhhhh'," I didn't realize I said out loud till everyone turned towards me. "Mybad." We laugh some more, but the judge soon killed that.

"Continue Mr.Foster." the judge said.

"Alright could you have claimed rape, because your grades were slipping."

"It was a trap."


"I have never in my life got before a B in my life and just so happened I get a F shit was fishing to me."

"Ms.Moore refrain from using such words."


"So it was a trap?" He asked acting slow.

"I said it didn't I."

"Why may you think that?"

" Objection! Prolonging. What's the point?" The nice lawyer lady called out.

"Get to the point Mr.Foster."the judge said.

"Ok. Answer the question please Ms.Moore"

"Dr. Also beacuse the other females said they were concerned about their grade and went to see about it. The only difference between me and them is they were loose. I wasn't I was a good student, like I said never got below a B."

"So you're basing your testimony off of others?"

"Oh no, I'm just stating facts."

"Wasn't it true Mr.Jackson was you mother's lover at the time?"

"Umm no. Not true he was her distraction from my dad leving her two months prior. "

"Soo it's safe to say your mother was chasing love?"

"I guess so. Sure."

"Did that make you mad?"

"Yea only because I had to lie to nigga after nigga that there wasn't a nigga already there before him,"That caused me and a few others to laugh.

"So is it possible you accused this man of rape ro get back at your mother? Or to get her attention?"

"Nah I didn't really crave attention that role was for my sister."

"So why did he go after you instead your sister?"

"Sorry that's something you'll have to ask him." She looked practically unphased.

"Were you sexually active in college?"

"No. I was a virgin and since we getting personal haven't had consensual sex in my life."

"Are you sure,because it says here you had a boyfriend."

"Who also was a cheater. I broke up with him two days before that.I have my hospital files from that night that Mr.Jackson assaulted me and Will, my ex DNA was not a match." His face dropped. The nice lawyer lady slid the papers over to him with a smile.

"And since I'm talking I also have a DNA test from my daughter and Mr.Jackson and it's positive. All the paper work is with Ms.Rose."

I guess I learned the nice lady's name.

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