SIY ; Chapter Thirty - Final

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My life was an complete wreck.

I still haven't gotten any news about Trevor and its been two days, the hospital wont release any information without his parents consent.

And Trev's parents had to decide to be idiots and not tell me anything.

I was suppose to had left yesterday considering that's when spring break ended but I couldn't get myself to until I knew what was happening.

McKenzie, Harvey, Lisa, Wyatt, and Asher had all left the night before just leaving Bella, Amanda and I.

I knew my teachers would scream my head off about staying but I didn't care at this moment.

I was sitting on my front porch with my head in the clouds and I didn't even know how I felt right now or if I ever would.

"You're leaving tonight." My mothers voice came from behind me firmly." I hope you know that Zendaya."

Shaking my head softly I couldn't even find my voice to even speak.

I felt her place her hand on my back as she rubbed me caringly.

"Trevor is going to be fine." She spoke looking me directly in the eye. "You and I both know that he wouldn't want you here sulking."

"I can't bring myself to do anything else." I breathed lightly trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence only thing I could hear was the lustful breeze and the beating of my heart, I felt like collapsing in a pool of my own tears until there was nothing left of me at all.

"You've got exactly six hours." She stated looking at me caringly. " If you stay here it'll only get worse and I don't want to-"

She bit down on her lip as I saw her eyes glisten softly.

"You dont want me to be like you." I finished her sentence and she just nodded in response. " When dad died." I gulped, sniffling back the tears.

"You're better than that Zendaya." She spoke quietly. "I don't want what's happening to Trevor to make you stop your life."

This time I nodded, I fully knew what she meant and half of me didn't want to go through with it.

Standing up I quickly dusted off the back of my denim shorts before heading towards the door of the house but stopping when I turned back to her.

"Thank you." I smiled with all the strength I had left in me, I gave her the best damned smile I could manage because out of all the crap she's done for me , as much as she's been there for me, that's at least what she deserves, even at my darkest moment, that woman deserves it all.

Walking into the house I quickly jogged up the stairs to my room but not before peeking into Mia's room and she was causally sprawled out on her bed staring up at the ceiling.

I then kept walking and found myself in my own room half of my things were already packed because I had to keep myself busy or else I'd starting thinking of Trevor again and then I'd spiral out of control from there on.

Amanda was asleep on my bed and I could hear my shower running which meant Bella was showering or I was losing my mind all at once.

Picking up my cellphone I checked the time I still had alot of time on my hands and I needed to keep myself busy, needed to keep myself doing something.

Looking around my room I grinned lightly.

"When's the last time I cleaned you?"


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