SIY; Chapter Twenty Four

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I didn't have a soooonggggg for this chapter lalalalala , booom ta disss.. words for songsss.. gas pedall , gas pedal, beyonce....

Allicatt ; Work it, Work it, FIERCE 



My heart was beating out of my chest and my legs had felt more unstable than they had when I first woke up, this couldn't be Asher, my throat became so tight I wasn't sure how I was breathing but I managed it somehow.

Walking closer to the guy, my breath hitched as I reached out to tap his shoulder, he hadn't noticed that I came in and I was silently grateful for that.

Please don't be Asher, you're Jake you just had long hair and I didn't notice...

Tapping his shoulder lightly my heart leaped in and out of the room fifty million times in three seconds.

"Look who's finally awake." He turned around and I'm pretty sure I had flew to heaven at the sight, god bless. "Pain killers are on the table." He smiled. "Coffee's in the pot."

"Blake?" my eyeballs were popping out of my head from relief and shock until my headache started to show it's fury again and I had to take a seat before I died on the spot because that's surely what the hell it felt like.

"That's my name." He sounded as he sipped on his coffee. "Oh and by the way your clothes are in my closet, I'm assuming you didn't check there." He eyed me as he looked at e wrapped in his sheet that was actually comfortable.

Quickly taking the pain pills I rested my head on the table and groaned loudly.

"Why can't I remember anything from last night?" I groaned again, my head literally felt like it was on the verge of exploding into bits.

"Hangover." He shrugged.

"So we did-" My question was cut off when he nodded and I could feel my cheeks burning up in embarrassment, I had no idea how I even got here or what happened when I did get here, it's practically like rape. "We used protec-" He nodded again I knew heaven was on my side, watching over me.

"I'm actually gonna gonna go use your bathroom." I breathed. "Would it be weird if I asked for a shirt to wear?" I gazed up at him as I lifted my head up as much as I could and he shrugged.

"First drawer on the right."

"Then you're going to tell me exactly what happened right?" I stood up balancing myself out by holding the chair.

"The sex?" He questioned looking confused.

"No!" I exclaimed my cheeks were on fire at this point, I had to turn around to make sure he didn't see me. "That part I know, I mean at the party, how did I even end up here?"

About twenty five minutes later I was sitting on his couch with a cup of coffee in my hand and my ears wide open.

"So what happened?" I asked hoping he knew more than I did.

"Well for starters you kind of attacked me." He grinned running a hand through his hair and he had finally managed to throw on a shirt too. "Out of nowhere you came flying towards me like some banshee , crazed woman."

I groaned as I let him continue.

"I asked you how many drinks you have and you said you stopped counting long ago so I figured you were drunk off your ass, and I was right by the way you thought dancing on the bar was something you were suppose to do." 

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