SIY; Chapter Fourteen

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 " Find light in the beautiful sea I choose to be happy ,you and I, you and I we’re like diamonds in the sky, you’re a shooting star I see a vision of ecstasy, when you hold me, I’m alive we’re like diamonds in the sky. "

Rihanna ; Diamonds.



Saying that my heart was beating at an irregular pace would be the understatement of the year.

With every footstep Wyatt got closer and Trevor's grip around my wrist got tighter and my legs became more like jelly with every breath I took and why was everything going in slow motion? The breeze felt slower and absolutely everything looked like it stood still, especially when that first glimpse of Wyatt made it's way into my view.

I hadn't even realized I had closed my eyes until I heard complete silence, the space in front of me was dark and I could have sworn there was light here a few seconds ago , the only thing I could hear was the trees, the trees behind us swaying lightly in the wind that I still couldn't feel.

 Peeking my left eye open my deepest fears were jolted in front of me as Wyatt stood there staring at what must of been the most heartbreaking thing I could imagine right now; Trevor's hand in mine and I wasn't pulling away.

I had no idea how to react to this situation.

Opening both my eyes I breathed in lightly as I took a step closer to Wyatt, Trevor finally releasing my hand in the process but I could still feel the warmth that made my insides tingle. 

"Wy.." I began stopping when I was right in front of him, we were looking eye to eye and I had to push down every though of just saying screw it all, and just walk away because this crap my irritating my soul, why do I care so much?

"Wyatt." I started again when he didn't say anything this had to be the worst day of his and my life, all of this hiding and secrets ked up to this exact moment.

"Go ahead, tell a couple of more lies it won't hurt." Wyatt shrugged without emotion. " I'll be here to listen and eat up every word."

Sighing heavily I decided to put my foot down. " Wyatt I choose to be happy, and I haven't been happy in a long while, I want to be held a hold that makes me feel alive like we're soaring throught the sky and it just happens to be Trevor and I'm S-"

"Save the bulshit." Wyatt spoke again cutting me off. " If you knew you were stil into him why did you fucking drag me along like this is some type of game. Is this a just one big fucking game to you Zendaya?"


Holding my hand up I had stopped Trevor from intruding because this was already a horrible sitiuation to be in and adding a fight to the list would just be overly and comepletely insane. 

"It's not like that at all." I started myself up again. " Coming here was the best mistake I've ever made and I'm so glad that I did come here because if I hadn't-

"You'd still be in love with me." Wyatt jumped into my sentence and that look he gave me right after those words left his mouth left me breathless, he looked so hurt and so betrayed and I felt him because I've felt that way so many times that I can't even keep up with it anymore, this was tearing me apart.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." I stated softly not sure of what he would do or even freaking say next.

He chucked a little loudly. " This is complete bullshit, you are bullshit I bet this whole time we were together it was bullshit." He started shaking his head. " I'm done okay?" he stated as he started to walk away.

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