SIY; Chapter Seventeen

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"Take my arm, take my hand make your mark like a man, write your name, then write your name, hurts so good, love and pain when all fades, you remain, write your name, then write your name."

- Selena Gomez ; Write Your Name



It's like we only functioned at night.

Vampires maybe? Just maybe.

I was currently walking along California's many beautiful boardwalks at eleven o'clock at night with Bella, Amanda, Harvey, Wyatt and of course Trevor, I had no idea where Asher, Sadie or Lisa had disappeared to but they were here a second ago and now they had vanished out of thin air.

Trevor and I had been a little distant since yesterday's "Sadie and Wyatt" happening and I had no idea why he was so upset, it wasn't like I ran away from him to go beat the snot out of Sadie and then jump into Wyatt's arms like some cliche movie or something.

I peeked a glance at Trevor who was busily chatting away with Bella then a small head gesture to the right I took a peek at Wyatt who was typing away on his phone probably with that evil witch Sadie, who I'd like to bury alive.

I grabbed Amanda from her conversation with Harvey as I dragged her right by my side.

"Hey!" She exclaimed tugging herself out of my grip." What's the big idea, I was clearly getting my flirt on and you know it!"

"I look lonely back here, come talk to me." I plead batting my eyelashes.

"Now Harvey looks lonely up there!" She whined giving me a look of despair. "He can't be lonely until after we bang, after I get that good good." she smirked as she started grinding her hips together.

Scrunching up my nose I grunted loudly. " Ew, you sound like Lisa."

Giving me a sly smirk she shrugged as she skipped her little self right back in front of everybody else where Harvey had continued walking, honestly I think Amanda is chasing her own behind because one minute Harvey looks totally into her then the next he's acting like she isn't even there and that side of him was showing very clearly right now as he shot her a few demeaning glances.

Sighing silently I hadn't dared to walk over to Wyatt who was oh so amused from the texts beeping from his phone every few seconds so my only option was Bella and Trevor, I kept an tight grin on my face as I rambled my way over.

"Hey Bella." I greeted. " Trevor." I said more in a happy tone.

Bella smiled brightly as Trevor didn't even give me the time of day and you all know how that pisses me the hell off.

"Seriously?" I questioned. " I said Hey Trev."

Ignored again.

"The awkward tension right here is killing me slowly." Bella chuckled shamelessly. "I'm gonna go stand anywhere but here before I end up dying." She snickered before walking away and mumbling. "of laughter."

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked stopping him in his tracks letting the others go ahead of us and frankly I didn't care, he wasn't allowed to be mad at me if I wasn't mad at him, no way it doesn't work like that at all.

"I'm not ignoring you." He spoke gently. " Just simply waiting for you to get your shit together." He shrugged lightly.

"I am together!" I raised one eyebrow so he could feel the wrath I was about to pour down onto him.

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