SIY; Chapter Eighteen

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" I'd like to say we gave it a try, I'd like to blame it all on life, maybe we just weren't right, but that's a lie, that's a lie ,and we can deny it as much as we want, but in time our feelings will show, 'Cause sooner or later we'll wonder why we gave up, the truth is everyone knows,

Almost, almost is never enough. "

Ariana Grande ft Nathan Sykes ; Almost is Never Enough.



Ice cream and scary movies at eight a.m., living the life aren’t I?

"Why is he scaring those nice people with the chainsaw?" Mia squealed as she half covered her eyes at the television screen in front of us that was currently playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

"You're eleven." I laughed loudly. “Can’t handle blood?" I laughed even louder as she snatched the ice cream bucket from my hands and starting stuffing a spoonful into her mouth after she rolled her eyes at me.

"I'll turn to something less scary, like Freddy Kruger." I smirked digging my spoon into the ice cream as Mia just scoffed.

"Just don't go to sleep after watching." I chuckled as I got up to change the movie. “Because if you do he'll be in your dreams-"

"Shut up and put on the dang movie." Mia snapped covering her ears at what I was saying.

When I was trying to find the movie my eye had caught something else's attention, in the corner of all of my movies something glistened, making my way over I grabbed out what seemed to be the small silver necklace, Trevor had gotten me a long time ago and now that I think about it, it seemed like decades.

It was the small locket he had gotten me on the first day of summer, three years ago.

"Did the movie dance to Narnia or something?" Mia called out to me, snapping me back to reality.

"What?" I stated standing up and placing the necklace on my dresser. "Side-tracked."

"Go." Mia spoke.

"What?" I repeated myself.

"Go take care of whatever has got you side-tracked." She continued on her statement. " I'll be watching The Fairly Odd Parents while you're gone." She smiled as she grabbed the remote from off of the floor in front of her.

"I'm fine." I told her as I slumped next to her. "Totally fine."

"I will hurt you." She threatened pointing the remote at me. “I have a great whooping arm. " She smirked.

Just as I was about to say something my phone rang in my back pocket and it was Wyatt, god I didn't want to talk to him or see him after last night, I literally let myself slip into a pile of goop in front of him, I couldn't even imagine looking at him, ever again for that matter.

"Give me a second." I muttered to Mia as I stood up and exited my room and slowly closing the door behind me so I was standing in the quiet hallway.

"Hello?" I spoke gently into my phone as my head did back flips and I bet a couple front flips slipped in too.

"Zendaya." His voice filled my ears. “I was just calling to check up on you-"

"I'm literally fine, thanks for calling." I blurted out all at once and was about to hang up but Wyatt had stopped me.

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