SIY; Chapter Ten

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" It's the time that you totally screwed up still you're tryna get it out your brain it's the fight you had when you didn't make up it's the past that you're dying to change "

- Selena Gomez; Hit The Lights



It didn't take me long to find Wyatt, considering he literally 'walked' away he was moving like an little sadden turtle who lost it's shell, was it bad that I wanted to laugh just as much as I wanted to go over and hug him with all of my might?

"Wyatt," I called out waiting for him to turn around, I needed him to turn around.

He stopped for a quick second, more of an decision type of pause and I really hoped that he decision was to hear me out and not walk away from me anytime soon.

Turning around to face me sulkily a tight frown was still glued on his face and I felt so horrible about everything that had happened.

"Look." He cut me off from saying anything else. " I know your here to apologize, say how awful you feel about this and how much you want to be with me." He shrugged. "Honestly, I don't want to hear your bullshit."


"Was he the reason you didn't want to be around me?" Wyatt chuckled shamelessly cutting me off from what I was about to say. "I'm here because you invited me, thought we were going to have a good time but yet I catch you kissing your ex and it wasn't even an light kiss it was a full blown make out session."


Cutting me off once again Wyatt sighed deeply.

"This isn't going to turn into some big argument because frankly if that's how you feel, I'm going to let you feel that way." He spoke softly. "I understand that you still love him and you probably love me too and I'm not going to let you make the hard decision of choosing, so I'll choose for you."

 "Just shut up and listen to me." I groaned catching him off guard and I didn't continue until I knew for sure that he was going to be quiet. " Just listen."

Shitting from his left foot to his right Wyatt looked straight at me and urged me to go on.

"I know." I nodded lightly. " I know what you saw back there was probably something you'd never want to see but truthfully I'm not going to deny it, I wanted to kiss him so that's what I did , I didn't think about anything else but kissing him and I'm sorry."

"Are you sorry you did it or sorry you got caught." He stated clearly annoyed.

"Both." I spoke blankly not even caring anymore. "I know that I totally screwed up and I know that I totally screwed us up and what we had but Wyatt I do want you to know before you walk away from me that I do love you and I hope you believe that."

"Then what was that?" Wyatt tried to control his vocal range. " You love me but your kissing another guy while were together, where in any book does it say that something like that is love?" He fumed his anger getting the best of him.

"Honestly Wyatt I have nothing to say about that kiss because I can't explain it." I spoke calmly. " I don't know why I did it and I don't know why I didn't leave while it was happening, I don't know what came over me."

"You did it because you still love him and you didn't leave because that's what you wanted." Wyatt added. " You wanted to kiss him it wasn't like you were forced Zendaya, stop acting like an fucking idiot."

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