SIY; Chapter Six

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"I'm flopping on my bed like a flying squirrel like a little girl hurt by the big bad world yeah, it's twisting up my insides can't hide it on the outside"

Bridgit Mendler; Hurricane.



She had the biggest smile on her face, he had the biggest smile on his face, they were happy and I'm just sitting here sulking about the fact that he's not happy with me, while I should be happy with Wyatt and I need to completely forget about the past.

"Zendaya!" Trevor called pulling Sadie over towards us as she whispered something into his ear which made them both chuckle.

"Hi" Sadie spoke first. " Nice to finally meet you."

Faking a smile, I couldn't help but want to rip her off of his arm with so much force , with so my emotion I had stored up inside of me right now.

"Hey Sadie." I nodded picking up my bag from the restaurant that had just got delivered only a few minutes ago. " Nice to meet you also."

Smiling she giggled when Trevor had wrapped his arm around her waist.

It turned out the the whole club had decided to follow us because seconds later everybody else had walked into the small shop making it become more crowded than it already was, or was it just me? Was I the only one who felt like they couldn't breathe?

Making my way over to Wyatt I tried to maintain the happiest fake smile that I could manage at the moment right now.

"Fixed your problem?" I cheesed as he just shot me a stern glare as to saying 'shut up'.

"Why are all of you here anyway?" I asked. " I thought that we were on the beach, enjoying the view going low with the flow."

" I just followed everybody else, I don't know this place and Im surely not about to get lost in California." Wyatt admitted.

Sniffling a laugh I wrapped myself in Wyatt's arms as they tightened around me, I needed him to make me forget, forget about what's not mine probably will never be again.

"Why the sudden affection?" Wyatt questioned kissing the top of my head.

"Just showing my love." I smiled looking up at him. " Besides don't pretend like you don't like it." I smirked returning his kiss but with one to the lips.

Wyatt was just about to say something but before could respond I was pulled off of him by a certain redhead.

"Wyatt, meet Sadie." She smiled pushing Sadie towards him. " Sadie meet Wyatt." She continued before she dragged my out of the restaurant.

"Zendaya, meet Trevor." She whispered now pushing me towards him. " I'm not letting you back in until you tell him how you feel." She threatened.

"How are you gonna keep me out of a place that's not yours? and it's a public place at that?" I questioned before I got reality slapped into me. " I don't feel anyway about him anymore." I lied.

Rolling her eyes Bella scoffed. " What ever." She stated before walking back into the place and standing in front of the door, blocking my entrance.

I had to admit that my heart was pounding so loudly and so harshly I was sure it was going to fall out of my chest as Trevor started walking towards me, I had decided to start running but my legs wouldn't move they felt like jello, great I had jello supporting my body how convenient.

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