SIY; Chapter One

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" You don't have to try too hard you already have my heart you don't got a thing to prove I'm already into you" ;

Olivia Holt , Had Me At Hello


 My school life was an hectic mess.

I was running behind on a couple of assignments in my honors chemistry  and I had already failed my mid-terms, spring break was five days away and I wasn't allowed off campus until all of my work was completed or the big 'F' was going in grade book.

Being a Sophomore at one of the greatest colleges in America had to have it's downsides right?

It was four in the afternoon and I was sitting at the student dinner with my head stuffed into a chemistry II book and I half asleep even knowing I took my mid terms re take in about thirty minutes.

My coffee had gotten cold and millions of people had come in and out with smiles on their faces and friends by their sides, laughing it up like they hadn't had a care in the world while Im here struggling.

Amanda had tried cheering me up but I pushed her away because we both knew I had to pass this test or it's over for me in total.

Stretching my limbs out I let out a very much needed yawn as the diner bartender eyed me and I shot her my best pleading "sorry" smile.

" How about one on the house?" She smiled right back at me. " You've been here all day."

Sighing loudly I nodded. " Thanks."

Flipping through endless pages of information that was going through one ear and out of the other I closed my eyes and sighed once again, listening to the sound of pouring coffee and silence was the best thing I had right now and it wasn't doing me any justice.

"Could you actually make that strong lighted?" I asked as she simply nodded. 

What is the ratio of elements in a substance, for example: the chemical formula of common salt is NaCl, sodium and chlorine in a ratio of 1:1. 

This was absolutely nerve wrecking.

Setting my coffee down beside me the girl smiled again as she looked down at what I was stressing out about.

"Chemical empirical formula." She spoke quietly. " That's the answer."

Hurrying to pull out my notebook I scribbled down her answer as I silently prayed that she has here right now.

buzz , buzz , buzz

Looking down at my phone Amanda was calling me and I smiled down at the picture I had set for her , it was when we both met back at Freshman Connection and she forced me to take a picture with her even though we had just met.

"Hello?" I stated answering her call.

"Wyatt, is on his way!" She blurted. " He got it out of me ? Don't be mad , he threatened to brake my cherry red lip stick in half and you know how I love it more than I love myself."

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. " You couldn't let lipstick go for a friend, now what a I suppose to do?"

"Leave, hurry and leave!" She squealed. " Be like a rebel girlfriend right now, go team Daya!"

"Shut up Amanda." I chuckled. "But I am leaving."

"No you're not." A random voice spoke behind me pulling my phone right from my hands and pressing the end call button.

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