SIY; Chapter Four

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"When you say you love me, know I love you more and when you say you need me, know I need you more boy, I adore you, I adore you."

Miley Cyrus; Adore You.


The plane ride was a total bore and a pain.

Wyatt and Amanda had got stuck together in the row behind me and me, being as unlucky as I am I got stuck in between two bickering seven year old twins who argued over who thought that I was prettier and I'm pretty sure one started crying, but they were no different from Wy and Amanda because every five seconds they were arguing about the simplest of things such as who's arm rest was who's.

" Love you guys too." I mumbled to the twins. " I love you both equally so don't argue!" I smiled at them once we got off of the plane. " If you two get on Mommy's nerves I will not love you anymore."

The looked at each other then nodded faster than anything I've ever seen before.

Their mother silently thanked me with a tight head nod and a warm smile. " Thank you." She mouthed before pulling them away.

"So done with kids."  I sighed.

"Come on, you're lucky you're getting any action while me on the other hand has only been looked at by that beast you call a boyfriend." She rolled her eyes at Wyatt who was busily stuffing his face with airplane peanuts. " Pig." Amanda scoffed.

Taking the bag from him I put it in my purse. " To the baggage claim!"

"I was eating those." He told me as he slumped behind me and Amanda. " I haven't ate since we got off the plane do you know how long that was?"

"Seven minutes ago?" I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly." He mumbled.

Taking my bags off of the claim I carefully placed them on the floor next to me. " You guys ready to meet my, family?"

"OH MY GOD!" Amanda scared me half to death as she furiously knocked other people's bags onto the floor. " Why does the world hate me?" She sighed loudly. " Where are my bags!"

I nudged Wyatt in his side when he started laughing as a sign to shut up.

"Hey, I have tons of clothes back in my bedroom you can wear those, people's bags get lost all of the time it's causal."

"Then why didn't your bags get lost?" She questioned folding her arms against her chest. " This is complete bullshit, lets go before I loose my top."

She shrugged off in front of us as Wyatt busted out another laugh which I ignored so I could flag us down a cab before they were all gone, filled with tourists.

It didn't take us long to reach my house and I was honestly glad to see it.

Stepping up I smiled happily as all of the memories just flooded back, some happy and some horrible, I haven't been here in three years. Wow , I thought not believing that I hadn't seen my hometown or any of my old friends in three years, it seems just like yesterday we were all stepping into the beautiful shore of Lake Dulca.

"Hello?" Amanda dragged me back into reality. " I'm not just gonna walk into your house, you have to go first duh."

"Oh yeah." I smiled and even before I had the time to open the door it was rammed open by a certain blonde headed little girl.

"Daya!" Mia yelped pulling me into a hug. " I haven't seen you in like ten years."

Hugging her back tightly. " You've gotten big, how old are you now I could have sworn you were just seven the other day." I smiled tussling her hair.

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