Siy; Chapter Twenty Nine

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I'm one hundred percent sure that she was lying.

I sat there, still waiting for her to crack a smile and pull out a couple of 'I gotcha' balloons because this for fucking sure wasn't happening right now, just no, no.

Mia sat on the couch in front of me, she had tears in her eyes but she didn't dare let one slip, she was waiting for me, she wanted me to burst out in tears screaming at the top of my lungs and as much as I did want to do that, I couldn't barely breathe correctly let along try to scream.

"Zendaya?" My mother cooed handing me a jacket from the front closet also handing Mia hers in the process. "You want to head up to the hospital?"

Grabbing the jacket I quickly slipped it on before getting to my feet.

"Why does it feel like I'm going to be walking right into my own death trap?"


My breaths were short and rapid like I had just ran a marathon in the blazing heat.

I didn't know how even react anymore.

All I knew was that I was losing Trevor faster than I had expected, it was too much and I couldn't bare it.

"He's in no condition to have guests." A tall pale male nurse hissed angrily like we had made him mad."Family Only."

"I'm his sister!" I quickly lied as I painted a believable smile on my face, I think that I could pull it off. "Treverta Jackson." I face palmed myself at the name my stupid brain had came up with.

He glanced at me for a few seconds before writing something down on his clip board.

"This Way."

My heart dropped from my chest and it wasn't returning anytime soon once I saw him.

His eyes were closed and he was strapped up to so many hospital devices I lost track of count at seven which made me cringe from the inside out.

His chest fell and risen at an irregular pace as I gently sat my hand on top of his, it was cold almost lifeless.

Looking at him brought back so many depressing memories my head started to ache, even the good memories seemed to haunt me because I knew I'd never experience them again, I'd never see his smile again.

Tears swelled up in my eyes, he was dying and I couldn't do anything about it but watch and see what happens.

I tightened the grip on his hand as I sniffles a few times before exhaling loudly.

"Look." I breathed biting my bottom lip."I know you can't hear me or anything but I need to tell you something important."

I looked down at him again his eyes were still locked shut.

"I love you Trev, I love everything about you." I paused when I wiped at my eyes."I love how you annoy me to extent, I love how you liked to send me goodnight and good morning texts."

"I love how you crinkled your nose when you laughed and you always tried to hide it, I love how you never wore the same pair of socks twice, I love how you'd randomly show up at my door with ice cream just because you knew I'd make me happy."

I was sobbing silently as the tears were now clearly visible running straight down my cheeks like a broken faucet.

"I love ... I just love you." I admitted quietly. " I'm so stupid for pushing you away, I don't know what I was thinking now." I tried to grin at the situation. "Now I'm sitting here talking to you when you could be dying."

"And I can't accept the fact that you're leaving me." I whispered as I kissed his cheek, he still hasn't opened his eyes nor moved a muscle.

I stared blankly at him as I gently sat his hand back down at his side.

"You're not his sister are you?" The same male nurse from before peered down at me as I simply shook my head no.

"You're a sweet girl." He continued setting his clipboard down on the cart next to him as he breathed lightly. "And I'm sure you love this guy, but his test results aren't looking good."

Clasping my hand over my mouth I desperately tried to keep in the many horrible sobs that were threatening to spill at any second now.

"Stay as long as you like." He whispered patting my back for comfort. "Ring the buzzer if he wakes or anything." He stated pointing at a small green button on the foot of the hospital bed.


"Huh?" I stated groggily as I groaned loudly my back was cramped and my head hurt like hell.

"Its morning." My moms voice sounded as she shook me some more. "You've been here all night."

Opening my eyes fully I yawned at the bright light coming from the windows I glanced over at a empty hospital bed.

"Where's Trevor?" I panicked quickly jutting up from the uncomfortable hospital couch that made me body ache in places I never thought could ache.

"You don't remember?" She questioned raising up one of her eyebrows.

Shaking my head lightly I frowned.

"Trevor died last week." She admitted snapping me into reality. " You come to exactly this room every Tuesday and sit in that chair just to stare off into space."

"What?" I asked looking around the room it never even looked like Trevor had ever been here.

"Trevor's dead."

Trevor's dead.



I jumped up quickly as I wiped the night sweats around my face and neck, it was cool in the small hospital room and picking up my cellphone the time read 11:42 pm and gazing over Trevor still layed there with tubes still aligning his body.

It was a dream.

Just a horrible, terrifying nightmare.

"Beeeeeep, Beeeeeeep Beeeeeeep."

The loud beeping sound caught me off guard as I let out a small scream and stared at Trevor's heart monitor, it was dropping rapidly as I practically dived to press the green button the nurse was telling me about.

"Help!" I screamed running out into the hallway. "He's dying!" I yelled as a hot tear rolled down the side of my face. "Don't just stand there!" I was screaming my voice away, yelling at literally everybody that looked my way. "Help me!"

It didn't take long for about five doctors to rush into Trevor's room and by then my heart was beating directly out of my chest as I quietly slid down the hospitals wall and pulled my knees really close to my chest before mumbling out a small

"He's dying." I gulped as I started to rock myself back and forth

"And I can't do anything about it."


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