SIY; Chapter Twenty Two

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" We're not lovers, but more than friends, put a flame to every single word you ever said, no more crying, to get me through, I'll keep dancing till the morning with somebody new

Tonight I'm getting over you."

Carly Rae Jepsen ; Tonight I'm Getting Over You



"I'm sick of you" I repeated with much more force than before because I wanted him to hurt, hurt as much as I did and still am.

He hadn't said a word until he knew I was done, he just let me go on about the whole topic before he even blinked.

He had started fiddling with the basket in front of him as his jaw tightened from the anger that was threatening to spill out of him at any second and I couldn't take it anymore, I needed him to say what he had to so we both could walk away from this without anything on our chests.

"Well say something!" I gasped wiping my eyes for what felt like the thousandth time this evening.

"Leave." His voice came out calmer than I would have thought. 

"What?" I sniffled trying to register what he was saying.

"I said leave." He spoke again. "I made this whole thing for my girlfriend and she isn't here." He told me blankly no emotion whatsoever and that's what got me so upset it was like he didn't care or didn't want to show me that he did that's what ticked me off.

"What are you waiting for?" He spat clinching his knuckles around the basket so forcefully that they could turn white. "I said leave, what part of that don't you understand?"


He looked at me like I was stupid. " Don't Trevor me, I said leave if you're so sick of me you wouldn't want to see me either and I damn well don't want to see you." He growled  but under all of that anger I knew he was hurting just like I was.

"Are you sure?" I choked on my own words. "Because I think this is the last time that I'll see you, we're not lovers and we have too much history to be friends." I told his respectfully but all he wanted was me to get the hell out of his face and I fully understood why.

"Still don't see why you're still here." He scoffed his breaths were rapid he wanted to say so much more and I didn't know what was holding him back but I needed him to say it.

"Are you afraid that you'll hurt my feelings or something?" I asked quietly. "Everything is out in the open, we're breaking up you can tell me all of the things you hate about me and all the reasons why you never want to see me again." I tried tell him.

"I want you to go and never look back because this." He pointed to nowhere in particular. "This is the last of us you're sick of me? Well go be sick some place else because as of right now at this moment I wouldn't think more of you than I think of the dirt on my shoes."

"You had to tell me this shit now?" He barked and I had noticed that I tipped over the mountain of anger that was already spilling out little by little. "You're always saying what I do to you, but what do you do to me?" He yelled. "Just fucking leave."

"Dirt on your shoes huh?" I said shakily as I stood from the table not even knowing how my legs were so unstable, my life was so unstable.

"Get the fuck out of my face." He spat all I could hear was pure hatred now and it was better that way, I'd rather we tear each other heads off than for me to walk out of this place crying, I was tried of being so weak because of it.

Still Into Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें