SIY; Chapter Twenty Eight

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Guys I'm on a phone now and I will probably stay on a phone with my updates until my comp gets fixed it just like exploded the other day then it wouldn't turn on so.... Yeah... Updates are gonna be slow and probably shorter like do you know how hard it is typing up a whole chapter on a phone?


"Get up!" Bella yelled again whacking me with my own pillow for maybe the millionth time in the last eight minutes.

It was Friday literally two and a half days until spring break was done and over, Trevor was getting worst and my mom says I can't go back to the hospital because it's all that I did since I first found out.

So now I'm lying in bed, no more tears to cry even if I tried.

"Leave me here to rot." I muttered pulling my covers up back over my head every time she pulled it off.

I felt my bed shift downwards letting me know she had climbed aboard and I let out a small groan.

"Jake says you've been ignoring his calls?" Bella kind of asked and stated at the same time.

I shrugged, I have rarely even touched my phone since the other day, I just didn't care anymore.

"But you like him." she blurted.

I shrugged again as I struggled to sit up , if she wanted to talk we'll talk alright.

"It doesn't even matter if I like Jake." I admitted pushing my messy hair from my face as I shot Bella a stern look. " I go back to college in two days."

"But wouldn't you like to tell him?" She offered rolling her eyes at my statement clearly ignoring the words that we're coming out of my mouth.

I groaned again but more loudly this time as I had thoughts about shoving her off of the bed.

"Look." She spoke laying her hand on my shoulder. "I understand how you're feeling because of Trev, and I know it hurts but day by day that hurt will cease to exist and baby girl you have to move on."

"Don't feed me that bullshit." I muttered rubbing my hand on my neck trying to release the tension. "Trevor won't make it into next week and your sitting here feeding me bullshit, you could have at least brought me a drink too." I spoke instantly annoyed.

"Don't go all bitchtastic on me Zendaya I'm just trying to help and what not." She stated standing up from her spot on the edge of my bed.

"Shut up." I huffed rolling out of the bed when she got up and I let out a little yawn as I stretched my limbs from head to toe.

"I already invited Jake over , with Ashy of course." She smiled.

"Ashy?" I mocked rolling my eyes playfully as she just looked really pissed off at me.

"Asher?" She hissed. "Asher?, Ashy? , Ash?"

"Asher , Ashy , Ash!" I mocked throwing my pillow at her but she quickly dodged but I on the other hand wasn't so lucky and her throw back hit me square in the face and it was pretty pathetic that it made me fall by how weak I was right now.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Bella tried to cover up her millions of laughs as she rushed over to my side trying to help me up.

"Shut up, Thorne." I muttered getting to my feet.

"Whatever, just get dressed and meet me downstairs in ten." She grinned patting me lightly on the back. " Make sure you look presentable for Jakey Wakey Shakey."

Smiling slowly I chuckled.

"You and these nick names today." I smirked.

And it didn't even take long for me to get ready and when I did finish Bella, Asher and Jake were already waiting for me downstairs just like she said.

We had decided to just go get something to put on our stomach.

So I admit it, Jake looked hot today.

But every time I looked at him I got this huge blob of guilt right in my chest , because looking at him just made me realize I didn't have long with Trevor and I should be with him but I can't.

And believe me I tried going to see him again, but mom even told the lady at the front desk to not let me up like how cruel is that?

"Hello?" Jake's voice interrupted my thoughts as I gained are whereabouts.

"Yeah?" I sputtered trying to knock those thoughts away so I could pay attention to the amazing guy sitting in front of me.

"I asked were you okay?" He stated taking a sip of his ice cold root beer that he had brought minutes earlier.

"Yeah." I repeated as I gulped lightly. "Why wouldn't I be?"

He was quiet after that.

We weren't looking at one another, the light breeze flew quickly past me and it never felt more good than it has just now.

When I finally did look over at him he was staring back at me, he had finished his soda and his eyes were glued.

"You're not okay." He sighed sitting up straight on the small black chair he was located on as he looked me directly in the eye, he knew that I wasn't , I knew that I wasn't but I didn't just want to throw all of my problems on the poor guy, now did I ?

"I'm fine Jake." I tried to sooth him with a quick smile to egg him further. "A, Okay to be exact."

He shrugged slowly as he ran his hand through his already tussled hair.

He was back to being quiet.

He wanted me to spill and I wasn't even sure if I could.

"Look." I sighed laying my hands on the table. " How about I just text you later?" I offered slyly. " because it's killing me just sitting here."

He didn't say anything when I got up nor when I started walking away Bella had spotted me immediately and she eyes me angrily but I simply ignored her as I kept walking.

I needed to get home and back into my big comfy bed, it was just calling my name.


So, I didn't go home, well straight home.

It was around six thirty when I did enter the front door and I really wish that I hadn't.

I had decided to take a walk around town, turned my phone off so I could just clear my head but when I entered that house all of those thoughts came running back in a hurry.

"Trevor had to go into urgent surgery." My mother spoke quietly.

"That's good!" I smiled. " They said that it was too late but now it isn't ,thats the best news I've heard all freaking day!"

She stopped talking as Mia gave her a pleading smile.

"Zendaya." She started rubbing my back for support as she kissed the top of my forehead.

"His other lung gave out."


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